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Topics - GoodGrief

Pages: [1]
Brandon Sanderson / Hi! Just drifted over from dragonmount ...
« on: February 20, 2008, 12:42:00 PM »
... to check out this neck of the woods.

What can I say? I didn't even know that Mr Sanderson existed until he was announced as the chosen author of A Memory of Light (last Wheel of Time book). In my defense, this has a lot to do with the deplorable fact that none of his books seem to have made it to Australian shores yet.

So anyway, I decided to do my research and swiftly devoured all the free material available on the web (again due to the fact that the books are unavailable in dead tree format here yet. Yes, I harrassed the nice book-shop lady about this. Mistborn will take about half a year) and now my senses scream for more.

So, as always when I want something and find I cannot get it, I join an online community dedicated to it. Happily this community is dedicated to many things, so I've saved myself a lot of time (which I will waste accordingly).

So anyway, I'll begin poking around. I bid you all Happy Wednesday and Merry Midweek.

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