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Messages - Liathiana

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Rants and Stuff / Re: Favorite food?
« on: June 18, 2009, 09:54:02 PM »

My absolute favorite food is Thai, especially the curries!  In fact the only curries I've liked have been Thai. And all the food I've tried has been fabulous. My favorite restaurant is Indochine, found in Tacoma, Washington though recently I found a fantastic (if not as good) Thai restaurant in Reno. I can't wait to go again!

Italian was my favorite until I encountered Thai food. I love pasta's and bread and Olive Garden is still one of my favorite restaurants.

Chinese food is just a classic. Nothing like going to a Chinese restaurant, drinking the cups of tea, figuring out your Chinese sign yet once again and all those yummy noodle dishes and sticky rice, mmm. American is on the list because I love BBQ's and Burgers and Steak!

I think Religions/Denonimations can definitely have a distinctive food culture. Growing up as a Seventh Day Adventist, my family was one of the more liberal Adventists. The health message is almost as important to the Church as is the Prophetic side of things (not trying to get into religious debate here, just saying what was important in my Church). I would say that at least 50-60 % (if not more, maybe I'm guesstimating too low) of Adventists are Vegetarians. And about 40 % of those are Vegans. Most of the churches I went to had purely Vegetarian potlucks (I'm assuming most of you know what those are) with a smattering of Vegan dishes thrown in. These were the mostly "white", mid-conservative churches that my parents preferred. Some of the more cultural churches (predominantly black or spanish or Samoan/Tongan) served mostly meat dishes. Anyways, that is probably only interesting to me.

My family ate both meat and vegetarian dishes regularly. However, we did so according to the Clean foods in Leviticus, avoiding any of the Unclean meats. I find that prejudice (I don't really consider it a belief on my part anymore) still affects me to this day. I find shrimp and ham completely unappealing (to name some). The only weakness I really have is for pepperoni and that is strictly on pizza.

Anyways I'll stop rambling other than to say that Haystacks is a pretty common, widespread Adventist food that you can find in our churches everywhere.

Rants and Stuff / Re: Pie VS Cake: The Official Thread
« on: June 18, 2009, 09:12:29 PM »
What if we love cheescake but am not a fan of pies in general nor cakes in general? Thus my Cheesecake vote, though it stands alone!

Rants and Stuff / Re: These Stupid Titles IX: Still Without a Title
« on: June 18, 2009, 09:05:24 PM »
Oh, so this is why I chose a class when I signed up for the forums? I was wondering what that was's embarrassingly taken me this long to figure it out :-[

I didn't even look to see what level 1 was! I'm pretty sure I chose something to do with Spirituality since that's what appeals to me/is part of me most in real life.

Rants and Stuff / Re: Happy Things 2009: We're Still Here
« on: June 18, 2009, 08:58:16 PM »
I'm happy that my nearsister has invited me for a month to Omaha! And she's going to pay for it ;D Her hubby is going out on some month-long training thingiemabob so I'm going to help her with her one year old Bethany and attend one of my favorite churches in Lincoln! Though I'm a bit nervous about visiting Union College again, I think I may be quite mopey when I get back because I'll miss it. Never thought I'd be excited about being in Nebraska again! The flatness is a sort of claustrophobia to me but opposite? I wonder if there is a term for that...but a month is long enough I won't go too crazy missing my mountains ;D

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Brandon To Write Wheel of Time Book 12
« on: June 18, 2009, 08:40:53 PM »
When I first heard that Brandon was going to write the 12th book I was kind of meh...I'd never read any of his books though I trusted Harriet's decision and wasn't truly worried. After I read his books I became more and more excited to see how AMOL would turn out. Then the announcement came out that it would be split into 3 books and I have to admit I was quite angry at first. It was a very emotional, gut response because Mr. Jordan had promised us one final book and I thought it was kind of dishonorable to his wishes to split it into 3. I had my suspicions that it had to do with money, 3 books gets more money than just 1 and I don't have much faith in ANYONE trying to sell me ANYTHING be it a bookstore or a grocery store or even where I work, Old Navy. However, that was until I read his blog post about his reasons behind splitting the book and the fact that he suggested it to Tor in the first place. I think that was about the point I really started becoming  a fan of Brandon rather than just liking/loving his books. I appreciated the honesty and I think that's hard to find nowadays.

Books / Re: Favorite author
« on: June 18, 2009, 08:35:43 PM »
Oooh fun topic! ;D

I'm not ready to narrow my favorite authors into certain categories. In fact I only have two, and they are very generalistic (I know it's not a word but I can't think of the right one *glares at her brain* ):

Category 1: Favorite Authors whose books I will almost always enjoy and will rarely hate, if ever.
Category 2: Nearly Favorite Authors of whom I like some of their books but I want to see more out of them before I can add them to C1 and/or some of their books I really enjoy and some of them I don't and they will never be added to C1.

It seems I need to take some analytical classes in college and then maybe I'll stop liking almost everything I read or see. Though I am much more critical of what I read than what I watch.

So...Category 1 Authors: Brandon Sanderson, Patrick Rothfuss, Jacqueline Carey, and Juliet Marillier. I also really enjoy Tom Clancy, John Grisham and Philip Yancey though I don't read them as often as the others anymore.

Category 2 Authors: Stephenie Meyer (yeah, bite me! :P), J.K. Rowling, George R.R. Martin (an example of an author who while I really enjoy ASOIAF I must admit I've been caught up in the annoyance of some fans in the misdirection and basically, I'm going to sell you something all the time aspect of his blog. Blogs do influence how I see an author, which is probably why Brandon and Patrick are definite favorites while GRRM is relegated to C2), Orson Scott Card, Scott Lynch, Robert Jordan (yeah, balefire me!), Jane Austen and Alison Croggon.

Feel free to discuss/pester me about my choices though I'm not sure how well I'll be able to articulate my positions.

Books / Re: The Eye of the World (graphic novel)
« on: June 18, 2009, 08:03:50 PM »
The artwork looks fantastic. I haven't read the prequels but I think I"ll definitely have to get them as well as the new ones coming out now ;D

Books / Re: What are you reading, part 3
« on: June 18, 2009, 07:40:54 PM »
I'm making my newbie rounds ;D

Currently I am working on a reread of the Wheel of Time and Twilight series (yes I know, I'm one of them! I have my guilty pleasures thank you very much!). At the moment I am reading Lord of Chaos and listening to Eclipse on cd for the long drives to and from work. I have also started Warbreaker, which I"m really excited about and loving so far. Already I want to make a costume! I"m also using it for one of my writing projects that was suggested somewhere around the web sometime ago, I really can't remember that should be interesting!

Books / Re: Patrick Rothfuss
« on: June 18, 2009, 07:34:21 PM »
I have to admit that Patrick is one of my favorite authors. It's a combination of loving his first book and reading his fantastic blog. Brandon and Patrick's blogs are the only ones I read and check regularly because they are entertaining and informative. I am definitely looking forward to Book 2 and am getting the fantasy readers of my family (Dad, Mom and brother) to read The Name of the Wind.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: How did you find out about Brandon Sanderson?
« on: June 18, 2009, 07:41:02 AM »
Well I'm going to be different from all of the Dragonmount peeps and say that I heard about Brandon from! ;D



Okay so not that different :P I actually didn't decide to read any of his books until some of my friends from said that Mistborn was really good. I picked it up and have been hooked ever since! My boyfriend loved Mistborn as well and we've decided if we ever have kids we're naming the girl Vin. My real life name came from a fantasy book as well so it continues on a tradition!

I really became a fan though, after starting to continually read his blog and after listening to Writing Excuses. He is definitely one of my favorite writers as well as Patrick Rothfuss (Yes I know he's only published one book but I really loved it and his blog is a must read!).

Brandon posted on Twitter today about Warbreaker! "Warbreaker is #24 on the NYT hardcover fiction list. Woohoo! Thank you all for being awesome." Woohoo!

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Sam Weller's Warbreaker copies
« on: June 18, 2009, 06:27:38 AM »
I was really anxious and excited to receive my copy so I imagine the waiting in my head was much longer than it actually was. This is my first autographed, personalized and numbered book! It makes me very happy and I couldn't help the squee that erupted from my lips when I opened to the page. I love the cover art! I really wish I could get a poster of it for my room, does anyone know if that is possible?

#187 here! ;D

Movies and TV / Re: Dollhouse
« on: June 18, 2009, 06:23:09 AM »
I have to say this is one of my new favorite shows. I am not a fan of Dushku, I don't find her different Doll "roles" believable however I love the supporting cast (<3 Wash and <3 Helo!). Of all the Dolls my favorite is definitely Victor and finding out the Doctor was a Doll was a surprise as well as the fact Ballard asked for November to be released and not Echo who was the whole reason he was chasing after the Dollhouse so hard in the first place.

I'm looking forward to next season though and I can't wait for the DVD's so I can see the episode with Felicia Day!

Movies and TV / Re: Castle
« on: June 18, 2009, 05:04:52 AM »
I have to admit I really like Castle, despite it's flaws. It may be because I"m slightly a Fillion fangirl but I really love his character and his relationship with his daughter and his mother. I'm hoping it's much better next season.

Movies and TV / Re: review: Angels and Demons
« on: June 18, 2009, 03:16:35 AM »
My first non-intro post! I was going to post in the religion thread but I haven't read through all of the pages yet. I saw this movie the other day (along with UP in 3D which was so good! As well as Night at the Museum 2 which was funny but not brilliant) and I really enjoyed it. Much more than the Da Vinci Code certainly. I hadn't read the book yet so the twists were surprises to me. In fact I got the "bad guys" all wrong! Usually I'm better at it but I was off my game. Anyways I would give it 3 stars probably, I'm generally easy to please.

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