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Messages - Faster Master St. Pastor

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Movies and TV / Re: "The Mormons" documentary
« on: May 02, 2007, 08:56:06 PM »
I thought this was a balanced outsider's view.  I wasn't offended by it, though I did think that some of the things the excommunicants said were funny.  In particular, when the one homosexual man they spoke to said, "Infidelity occurred."  I've never heard someone use quite such a passive phrase to say that he committed adultery.

Actually the parts that had him, Trever Southy by the way, were interesting to me because my dad was friends with him. We even have an original drawing of his in our hallway that he drew for my grandparents to thank them for having such a cool kid.

The reason that I started getting frustrated was because of the uplifting side of this documentary. I was watching and feeling the spirit and was totally into it, and they they would just throw in comments or switch to people who had been excommunicated and the spirit would immediately leave. I don't like having my emotions jerked around like that and it occurred more than once, enough that I just grew too fed up with it not to be angry.

Movies and TV / "The Mormons" documentary
« on: May 02, 2007, 05:03:30 AM »
I just heard about this today during seminary, and managed to catch the second part tonight. Overall I was looking forward to it, and hoping that for once it would be an unbiased report. I was dissappointed however, and now I want you guys to put your two bits in. What made me angry about this was that it would mix truths and things that invited the spirit, for me at least, with things that were completely off the wall and downright lies. I'll admit though, that wasn't even what got me the most angry. Instead it was the fact that they had individuals who were excommunicated from the church explaining how and why things are the way they are. What also bugged me was people who had left the church not explaining why, or going into any detail that might have incriminated them and not the church in any way. My overall opinion was that the documentary was a thinly veiled attack on the church and its belief. They rarely if ever had actually representatives of the church, and always seemed to show it as some big faceless organization.

Anyway, what do you guys think? Feel free to agree or dispute what I've said if you think I'm crazy, it wouldn't be the first time.

Rants and Stuff / Re: I got a letter from Tor!
« on: April 29, 2007, 06:58:14 AM »
Congratulations! I hope you get the job (then I can tell people I know someone who works at Tor;)).

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Y.A.S.P... (Also known as Scribbler)
« on: April 29, 2007, 06:53:45 AM »
FMP: 3.0 is the draft I send my agent.  1.0 is first draft, 2.0 is fixing major problems, 3.0 is a 10% cut with a line edit to make the thing readable.  It'll only take me a week.  Then I get to grade papers.  THEN I get to go back to Dragonsteel. 

Ah, I see. So logical and organized. No wonder I didn't understand.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Y.A.S.P... (Also known as Scribbler)
« on: April 27, 2007, 02:40:41 AM »
Alright, sounds good. I have to ask though, you're already on 3.0, shouldn't you be working on Dragonsteel? :)

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Y.A.S.P... (Also known as Scribbler)
« on: April 27, 2007, 12:37:49 AM »
Hey Brandon, you wouldn't happen to need anyone to else to read this for you, would you? If so I'd be happy to take a look at it. :)

Brandon Sanderson / Re: PC or Mac?
« on: April 26, 2007, 05:21:21 AM »
I remember those things. I hated them! To tell the truth one of the reasons I went the way of  Windows instead of Macs was because of those things. This was before I could tell any difference between technologies, when I was like eight or so. They used to make me so freaking mad though. The ones they have now are a little better, but sometimes I have to wonder who the heck came up with the idea to make them click when you bang the mouse against the desk. It has accident waiting to happen written all over it.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: PC or Mac?
« on: April 25, 2007, 06:50:57 AM »
What I think is funny is the way MS and Sony keep trying to do a bunch anti-piracy and DRM stuff and they keep getting beat down. Whether by the consumers in MS's case, or the courts in Sony's case, with the whole rootkit fiasco a couple years ago. I wonder when they'll learn to take it easy and think before going overboard and being made to look pretty stupid when they have to retract what they've said.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: PC or Mac?
« on: April 25, 2007, 05:59:45 AM »
The DRM on Microsoft's side is the same as XP, and that's not really DRM that's a miss-label.  It's a licensing agreement which all software has to an extent (and Adobe is the worst offender, you connect to their database when ever you run their software and they check the license).

And the DRM for videos were required by the movie studios, if MS hadn't placed them in Vista couldn't run HD DVD or Blue Ray in high def (which XP cannot).  Apple has to do the same thing as well, which is blocking access to the video buffer under certain conditions.  I can't think of any other DRM in Vista however, so if there's something worse I'd like to hear it.

I was talking about how MS was freaking out before Vista's release and saying that one copy of Vista got you one install. Period. Also the fact that if you upgraded pretty much at all you had to buy another copy. However after poking around a bit it looks like they've loosened up a bit because of complaints and such, so this isn't really valid anymore as far as I can see.

Rants and Stuff / Re: A letter to Orson Scott Card about Mira Mirror
« on: April 21, 2007, 08:38:23 PM »
Flawless: a synonym for perfect. Perfection is a state only experienced on earth by Christ. Therefore, by claiming to be flawless you create sacrilege, which is a flaw. Thus you have a flaw, and thus you are not flawless. Pwned.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: PC or Mac?
« on: April 21, 2007, 08:34:01 PM »
I'll admit that my views are rather skewed, since I only ever really hear things from gamers and overclockers, but as far as I knew I had correct information. My apologies for unintentionally misleading. My main points against Vista however, which I mentioned previously, is lack of drivers (for now) and ridiculously insane DRM (which could be around for a long time).

Rants and Stuff / Re: A letter to Orson Scott Card about Mira Mirror
« on: April 20, 2007, 03:45:15 PM »
Well I don't want them, you take them.

Rants and Stuff / Re: A letter to Orson Scott Card about Mira Mirror
« on: April 20, 2007, 01:56:47 AM »


actually a flaw can be quite valuable, take for instance the Spirit of Saint Louis stamp with the upside down airplane.


Touche, however when there is a flaw in an argument you are presenting it tends to lead to one looking ignorant. Take politicians, newscasters, and editors of newspapers as an example.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: PC or Mac?
« on: April 20, 2007, 01:52:43 AM »
1 gig is plenty for Areo, it doesn't use 700 mb or anywhere near it, there are several people hwere where I word running it just fine with 1 gig, you need a graphics card with only 64mb of ram to run it but something DX10 compatible will run it better then Dx9.

Good tech write up about the changes in Vista at

I read through the first couple pages of the article, and skimed the rest. No where did I see any benchmarks, so either I missed them or they aren't in there. I'm heard of several cases where Vista did use 700 mb ram while idling in Areo, so either something else was contributing to those things and I was misinformed, or I wasn't and Vista really was using 700 mb while idling.

my new computer is at a gig of ram and an onboard video card. I've had zero stability problems with Vista.

Stability isn't really an issue with only a gig unless you game a lot and crank up the options as high as you can.

Rants and Stuff / Re: A letter to Orson Scott Card about Mira Mirror
« on: April 19, 2007, 06:56:15 PM »
I don't recall ever implying that I was in order. Once again though, your argument is flawed, I didn't say you were out of order, I said your argument was flawed.

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