Local Authors > Dan Wells

UK cover

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Um. Do you like that cover Dan? I guess it's OK. Although I'm not sure if, to me, it really conveys the story behind it. Much.

I like it more than I like anything else that I or the designers have come up with. It's a very difficult book to convey in cover art, I'm discovering.

Overall, though, I do quite like it.

Peter Ahlstrom:
It doesn't seem like a very adult cover to me. What is your UK publisher marketing it as?

I'm trying to think of horror covers I've seen, and most of them used sans-serif fonts (in my memory). The closet thing I own to a horror book though is Card's Lost Boys, and it has a somewhat degraded-looking font.

The UK is marketing it as pure YA. They're running press proofs on the cover soon, so I should have a more final version one of these days.

Peter Ahlstrom:
It does look a lot like a YA cover. :) I'm looking forward to seeing how it does there, and whether the success of its marketing in the UK will affect how it's marketed in the US.


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