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Messages - Texxas

Pages: [1]
Brandon Sanderson / Re: Warbreaker Sample Chapters
« on: June 28, 2006, 01:38:34 AM »
For what it's worth, I tend to agree with Ookla.  Even among professionals who are supposed to be able to write (I'm talking about lawyers) the ones who can tell the difference between draft and final quality writing is small.  Even less of the general SF audience will discern a difference between your early draft quality and final draft; and far fewer will remember the difference when they get the published volume.  What they will detect are significant plot shifts. (Or if some shiny toy you flashed early on disappears in later versions because it didn't move the story.)  In that regard, I guess I'd be more concerned about how much I posted rather than the effect of posting early draft quality.  I think I might pull the chapters, after I really got rolling and felt I had solidified the early concepts.

FYI -- I really like the concepts here, i.e., the notion of breath and certain persons accumulating it for whatever purpose. This idea raises more questions for me than any other idea I've seen in the first 10 chapters.  And it seems to create the greatest potential for complexity and inconsistency.  I'm also fascinated to see how you work out what appears to be an LDS-influenced theme about resurrection as your work develops.  It always seems to me that the religious influence in a writer's life leads to the richest themes, especially when they are being explored thematically and intellectually, and not being espoused as dogma.  


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