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Messages - ryos

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Brandon Sanderson / Re: Brandon's Secret Project
« on: September 29, 2010, 07:08:44 PM »
Peter, what's Brandon's percentage marking based on?  Number of pages done?  Is there a certain landmark that gets him to the next percentage?  First draft finished is 50%?  Final draft is 85%?  Publishing ready is 100%?  Or is it each phase gets its own zero to 100 percentage?  Just curious as to how the "Mind of Sanderson" works.  :)

I'm not Peter, but as an observer I have observed:

1. Each phase gets its own bar. So first draft, rewrite, revision, etc. all get their own bars.
2. For drafts, each bar's percentage is  based on Brandon's rough estimate of how big something will turn out. He has been known to adjust this target during the course of writing.
3. For revisions, the bar's percentage is obviously how far he has progressed through the revision. So when half the book has been revised, the bar reads 50%.
4. The bars don't get updated very often. IMHO that's a good thing—he really does have better things to do.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Brandon's Secret Project
« on: September 28, 2010, 04:27:44 AM »
Scholastic turned down Alcatraz 5 (if I remember right), which means that he can have someone else publish it.

The trouble as I understand it is that, due to Scholastic's mismarketing and underprinting of Alcatraz, it hasn't sold very well, so it's a tough sell to get any other publisher to pick up the final book of a series that they don't own (and so don't control the marketing/distribution of). If it had strong sales numbers backing it up then it might be a risk worth taking, but as it is...

I think the fact that Elhokar is constantly wearing his Shardplate adds weight to the undiscovered/emerging power theory. If he is a natural Soulcaster like his sister and Shards cause interference it could be why his powere have not come upon him as quickly as they did with Shallan.

Shallan's not really a point of comparison. And Jasnah is eight-ish years older than Elhokar, and a scholar who was probably trained by her mother Navani—that same Navani who's playing a prominent role in the artifabrian community. Not that I don't like the emerging ability theory, because I do; I'm just sayin' you'd expect Jasnah to develop her power a lot faster than Elhokar.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Got to learn the Cosmere-Mistborn, Elantris or both
« on: September 23, 2010, 11:18:38 PM »
Mistborn and Elantris are not at all interdependent. Read Brandon's books in any order you like.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Brandon's Secret Project
« on: September 23, 2010, 10:04:56 PM »
I'll be the voice of dissent and say that I think it's most likely something entirely new that we know nothing about. Brandon has often said he enjoys working on new things...

Brandon Sanderson / Re: WoK: Shalan - near end of book **SPOILERS**
« on: September 22, 2010, 10:03:56 PM »
Any subsequent blows after the initial death would have cut flesh, and she might have been flailing at him with it.

We get a description of someone being cut open after they died with a shardblade and we're explicitly told there's very little blood compared to conventional weapons.

I want to say that it's during Dalinar's assault on the Tower.

Naturally, the dead don't bleed like the living. There's no blood pressure in their veins.

Repairing badly damaged shardplate breaks gemstones, too. I think. I remember Dalinar thinking that at one point, but I could be remembering wrong.

Not to mention that just using the plate can break gemstones. Elhokar just broke more than could reasonably be expected.

Maybe Elhokar unconsciously tried to soulcast in a moment of stress (like how Shallan was stressed the first time she succeeded in soulcasting, or Kaladin was always stressed whenever he succeeded in unconsciously using his powers), but his shardplate interfered with the process. He broke gemstones trying, but no effects were visible due to the interference.

Well, I like your theory so much that I really want it to be true. Now I need to go reread those chapters with an eye towards indications of Elhokar soulcasting. I mean, that sequence was so epic that we can be forgiven for not noticing something like that.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Hopes/Predictions/Wild Theories for Book 2
« on: September 21, 2010, 09:58:00 AM »
I wouldn't count Kaladin out of the fight with Szeth. He has taken the Oath whereas Szeth presumably has not. He has experience fighting (and beating) shardbearers. He can already use two of the three Lashings, and has time to learn the Basic Lashing (which is, ironically, the best for combat). And, he may well have other surgebinders on his team.

That's my hope for book 2. I want at least some of Bridge 4 to be able to learn Surgebinding. I really think that group will be the seed of the restored Knights Radiant.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: WOK: Navani's Notebook Translation *MAJOR SPOILERS*
« on: September 21, 2010, 05:03:38 AM »
My next question is, what do you do for a living? You sound like some of the linguistics researchers I work with at the BYU English Language Center. (I'm just a webmonkey, so most of their work goes over my head. My consolation is that my work goes over their heads, too. ;))

Brandon Sanderson / Re: WOK: Navani's Notebook Translation *MAJOR SPOILERS*
« on: September 20, 2010, 11:30:42 PM »
Yes, do please post notes on your thought process. I love stories like that. :)

Books / Re: longest book
« on: September 20, 2010, 04:26:38 AM »
Macworld Mac Secrets - 1300 large pages. I read this in the mid-90's while I waited for my computer to do things, like copy files, download stuff over a modem, or render 3D scenes. Modern computers rarely make us wait for anything, so I could never do something like that today.

Other  than that, here are a few long fictions I've read: The Shadow Rising (393 Kwords) and Lord of Chaos (389) from the Wheel of Time, The Way of Kings (387 Kwords?).

Books / Re: Oddly Specific Reading Request
« on: September 19, 2010, 10:30:29 AM »
Cool, I'm curious to know what you thought when you've finished. :)

Books / Re: Oddly Specific Reading Request
« on: September 16, 2010, 04:19:56 AM »
There are a bunch on PodCastle. If you want to read instead of listen, the intro to each story tells where it was originally published.

I vouch for the excellence of all of these. There are a few that I left out because I found them less than excellent.

Run of the Fiery Horse (My third favorite)
The Grand Cheat (If you listen to only two, make this the second. My second favorite.)
Moon Viewing at Shijo Bridge (If you listen to only one, make it this one. My favorite in the lot.)
The Fable of the Ostrich (Flash fiction; set in Africa but the 'voice' is western)
The Tanuki Kettle
Bright Waters (Native American)
The Nalendar (cultural influence unknown to me, but I don't think it's western)
Chu-bu and Sheemish (flash fiction)
On the Banks of the River of Heaven

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Ruin-like Odium?
« on: September 12, 2010, 12:27:46 AM »
I have two problems with this idea. The first is that I find it unlikely for Brandon to repeat himself in that way. I think him better than that.

The second is that it doesn't make much sense. It seems clear that Odium engineered the end of the Oathpact and has been biding his time sowing dissent among men. A united humanity is what kept repulsing his attacks in the past. Why would he want Dalinar to unite anyone?

Taravingian, on the other hand, I don't quite get. He seems to be working towards a united humanity, even if it's in a twisted, wrongheaded way. So why doesn't he want Dalinar to unite Alethkar? Him, I could buy as a servent of Odium, or at least someone who's been duped by him.

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