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Messages - Vintage

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Brandon Sanderson / Re: The Origins of Allomancy *Spoilers*
« on: April 25, 2008, 12:31:40 AM »
As soon as Elend takes the metal vial from Vin he starts to burn pewter.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: The Mists
« on: April 24, 2008, 05:38:03 PM »
Maybe the Mist Spirit is only a form that Preservation took to be able to act somehow. After all, the mist itself cannot seem to be able to do much (and there must be something else that hides in the mist during the day for it to kill). The Mist Spirit can use a metal knife...

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Vin as HOA?
« on: April 24, 2008, 05:33:49 PM »
Well, I am afraid (no, no, not really) that the description confirms that Elend is the Hero of Ages. In all cases, Kelsier maybe could have fitted the description, but since he is of the past...

What amazes me though, is that after killing Alendi, how did Rashek thought he could be that hero. I almost thought, actually, that it was more in the thought of Kwaan to make a move like Rashek did than himself.

On a humoristic thought... the author of the hate mail might revise his/her opinion...  ;D Afterall, it promises all answers and all conclusions, right ?

Brandon Sanderson / Re: The Origins of Allomancy *Spoilers*
« on: April 24, 2008, 03:20:43 PM »
I am sorry, but the only thing we know is from one of Vin's quote who said that she did not know how she was burning metal and that the important thing to her was simply that she could.

Actually, I do not believe we can find out how all magic systems works in all of the fantasy books. Why should we bring an imaginative world to our level ? You could tell us what you think of its workings, but I doubt it will even be answered in MB3. But do try, if you please.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Vin as HOA?
« on: April 23, 2008, 11:45:11 PM »
Back to the subject. I am tired, so very tired. Sore throat and what not, so I just cant think much. But...

I was kind of curious today and wanted to know if Vintage was also an english word. Yes, I was thinking about myself. I just love doing it  ;D - by the way it is and it means the same thing - but this is not my point. While I was reading my little hamster which I gained in Dune was keeping on running into my head. And these were my thoughts.

Now Brandon took time to write in his annotations that every member of the crew had a nickname. With his marvellously crooked mind - whats his saying again ? There is always another secret - What about if Vin is already her nickname, her full name only known by her poor Mom ? What could "Vin" hide ? So I already held the english dictionary and started to look and I froze nearly at the very start. One of the very first names that starts with "Vin" is Vinculum (you understand why everybody would prefer calling her Vin ).  And what does Vinculum means ? Well, I will just give you the link to Wikipedia. After you read it, pass your mouse on the post to read what I was thinking. Don't cheat. Cheat is from Ruin...


So you read ? What do you think ? I know I am crazy, but isn't it the very spirit of Mistborn (to be convince, read the last paragraph again) ? And doesn't it make it logical that Vin would not be the Hero of Ages but bring people to him ? Read again the first paragraph...

Brandon Sanderson / Re: The Comprehensive Hemalurgy Thread
« on: April 23, 2008, 04:55:13 PM »
I am not going to comment on this.  ;D But I did want you to know, Chaos, that you did an awesome job, there. It does make a lot of sense... but I am also at work and I really should be working instead of making believe I do while I think on Hemalurgy... lol

Brandon Sanderson / Re: The Comprehensive Hemalurgy Thread
« on: April 22, 2008, 09:50:42 PM »
Where is the blood sacrifice for the Hemalurgical powers?

Alendi provided for it maybe ? But I don't think Rashek brought him to the Well of Ascension - by the way, we think it was called like that because of Rashek ascending to power. Kwaan makes this impossible. He already calls it the Well of Ascension on his steel plaque. Back to the question. I gave it some thought. For such power as TLR had, I presume a lot of blood would be necessary. More so than for Inquisitors. How about those first nobles ? Let's say that he "slashes" them well to let the blood flow and right after his empowering, he gives them that bead Elend received from Vin ? It could be the reason why there are a lot of broken potery and a lot of beads missing. An only hesitation comes to my mind. Rashek was despising everyone who weren't Terris. Why would he chose "knowingly" to raise a new race out of those who aren't Terris ? What could be his reason to slash them to pieces ? Could it be possible that he truly wanted to kill them all ? I imagine it this way. Rashek has killed Alendi and came back to the power well and sees it ripe (lacking words, sorry, english isn't my first language) to give its fruit. He is loathed with those Kh... whatever the name is, so he calls them to meeting. He wants to show them that Alendi has failed completely. He wants to shame them all. He knows by his uncle Kwaan that he can take the power to himself eventhough he doesn't know every details. The Ruin pushes him to kill them and he wants to do it but something stops him before he's completely done and the well calls him. Blood has filled the place everywhere. He gets in the well and takes the power. He is full of it. He can set things really right now but he realizes that being dominant is not very funny without having anything to dominate - I don't know his thinking and truly, at his point, I don't really care. But the Mist Spirit (Preservation) is there and shows him the beads, he gives them to the dying people that surround him. But not only does the LR have all that blood, but he also has his own. That liquid fills him up, gets into his pores. He keeps the power to himself, he keeps that liquid as well and becomes nearly metal himself. No need of spikes. The first Hemallurgist is born, the Mistborns are born. Simplistic, yes. But also believable (with a lot of variable, I agree).

Somehow I strongly believe that the Kandra were not created by TLR, I believe they truly were created by the Mist Spirit, and therefore, as Tensoon said, they are of preservation, as are the Mistborns. Remember how much near the end, Vin and TenSoon were coming to realize that they had a lot in common ? I believe that Mistborns are the only tools that can vanquish Ruin. Moreover, it is not impossible for me to imagine that TenSoon, after reporting to the Kandra's High Counsel or whatever he calls it, comes back to Vin with a message from his race.

If TLR has started to use the Mistborns for his own end, it might be that he truly didn't know that Preservation was fighting Ruin, at this point. Remember what Kwaan said. Something has corrupted the Terris religion. A religion is not based only on a prophecy, it has moral standards, a set of doctrines, very often complicated. It could be that the Preservation (life) principle as well as the Ruin (chaos, death) principle got just lost somewhere. If everyone therefore where all unknowing, TLR could use for the moment Mistborns against Kandra (not right away - it would have taken sometime for the Mist to produce them somehow). I still have to find proof or at least passages that could indicate such thing.

I will talk to you about my folly. See, my brain is always in a turmoil. So much so that my daughter says I'm a storm...

Vin mentions she has to burn the power away in a few moments. How, then, does the metal stay in the Lord Ruler's body?

I am not convinced that we can trust Vin on this point. First, she is full of the Well's power and it can corrupt things, metal OR mind, and I don't forget metal mind as well, of course. Second, she might think that it is the same for Allomancy, sleeping overnight with metal in you is not good for your health. It's poisonous. So, she knows it is metal in her...

The mom was insane, I think from Ruin's influence. Ruin then wanted to make Vin into the hero who would go to the Well of Ascension, and thus, the insane mom "chooses" Vin over her sister. It mentions the choosing nature in WoA.

And being insane would give her the knowledge for a complicated such as making an hemalurgist ?

Alendi had the "piercings of the Hero", which allowed him to feel the well's pulses

Really ? I don't remember... :'( Where does it mentions the "piercings" ?

I lent my copy of MB1 to a friend... going to buy another one Saturday... I just can't wait till she finishes.

Didn't we discuss the question of Kandra and metal somewhere already ? What did we say ?

Brandon Sanderson / Re: The Comprehensive Hemalurgy Thread
« on: April 22, 2008, 08:46:29 PM »
The thing is, we know that the Lord Ruler used his hemalurgy to give him strong power. But how ? If hemalurgists are known because they have metal stick in them, where was his metal ? Would the metal be there only to fool people ? Fool us ? Just to impress the sight ? I am not saying TLR was hemalurgist because of the bracelet, but simply because Brandon says he was so I am trying to find how could we know for ourselves without Brandon telling us in his annotation. Would the Lord Ruler get his hemalurgy just by immersing himself in the lake and keeping the power to himself ? Isn't then THAT power precisely the hemalurgy power ? Whatever that lake contains would then be the hemalurgy essence. If that is the case, the Lord Ruler had hemalurgy built inside him, the only natural hemalurgist.

Why, when the liquid gets into Vin ( I see that picture from Matrix lol ) does she take off her earring ? I know her earlobe hurts her, but what of the reaction itself ? If her earring had hemalurgy, and that her sister provided the blood bath needed to create hemalurgist, where did her Mom got the knowledge of this ? I did not read that TLR had a woman walking about in the midst of the obligators and Inquisitors. So where ?

I simply mean that the suggestion would be so strong that the person would feel (eventually) that it did not have any choice to act otherwise. In the WoT, the one with the power was deciding to use it and in control (with practice). Now, how did Zane controlled himself not to kill everyone around him, that amazes me. He must have been really strong ! Remember how Alendi was tortured in having to kill all those people for the greatest good ? He was tormented, at the least, and I see the same torment in Zane, in Vin's mother (am I forgetful again but Brandon does not say that she is dead, right ? She only flew ? ), in Vin even - she hears "Reen's voice", she does not only remember him - it is not phrase like it's only a remembrance, at least). I printed the 26 pages of the Ruin & Preservation thread. I just seem to have a hard time getting the concept in. Must be my slowbrainer side at work... or wherever ruin passed by lol

And hum... I am not that sure that Rashek is the true identity of the Lord Ruler... dont hit me !

Well, not quite the well spirit ( I will continue to call it that way as long as I don't understand the principle and-or agree with how you did associated it with whatever), but the Well Spirit suggesting powerfully the one who hears and has the power. I think personaly that it is the source of hemalurgy. I might be wrong, but still...

And I'm trying to put words into my theories, the ones I promised Darxbane on the other topic. I'm no champion of clarity.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: The Comprehensive Hemalurgy Thread
« on: April 22, 2008, 12:27:12 AM »
It's been mentioned but it has never been proven that the lord ruler uses hemalurgy,I myself think not.  All the hemalurgists we have known so far have had the same weakness, remove the spike, you die, or at least lose you're power (or in Vin's case gain another power,) and I don't thin kthe lord ruler would give himself this weakness, he's already paranoid enough about the bracers on his arms that he makes them pierce his skin.  I don't think he would give himself another weakness.

I was refering to this part of Comatose's answer to prove exactly that he had this weakness. And yes, he was hiding it. Remember ? It was under his sleeve and he removed it only for Vin  ;D Maybe he wanted to show her how strong he was not even thinking that she could fix that slight advantage...  :D

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Mistborn 3 Plot Points *Spoilers*
« on: April 21, 2008, 11:26:30 PM »
Actually, I'm starting to think exactly in that direction... If everything that is not set in metal can be manipulated, can't Alendi's journal have been ? And also, we know because it is indicated in Mistborn 1 and 2, that the obligators and Inquisitors did play with history. But having the steel plaque right in the Conventical, they knew the truth (and Marsh too by the time he brought Sazed with him). So why would they hide something like that ? After all, what would the truth change for them had it be known ? I remember quite vividly when Sazed and Tindwhil were working on the rubbing translation, you remember, this little piece of paper that was torn off repeatedly ? The last sentence of the corrupted text ? Could it not have been the Mist spirit trying to bring attention to it ? - Do not forget that for me, it is not the Mist that is the bad guy, but the Well spirit. I am quite sure they fight one against the other - In other words, trying to force Sazed to go back to the steel plaque ?

Brandon Sanderson / Re: MB1 ? about Lord Ruler **** Major Spoiler****
« on: April 21, 2008, 11:21:28 PM »
Go ahead Darxbane. I myself have a few theories as well related to this topic and I would not even be the least surprise if they don't cross with your future mess. Comatose made me think of something so strange, as well... I just wonder how come it did not come out yet !

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Vin as HOA?
« on: April 21, 2008, 05:54:55 PM »
I do not think the prophecy was made entirely by ruin otherwise there would have been no necessity, no need of corrupting it. And it was changed and not only to make Alendi fit into it, not only his character, but also what he should be doing. If the Well's power could have been liberated differently, it would have remain as vague, but maybe the time is getting dearest to.

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