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Messages - Asundar

Pages: [1]

I skipped work and spent all day yesterday reading TGS. I have to say, for several reasons, some of which have been mentioned herein, your writing is SPECTACULAR. I think you were able to capture most of the characters very well. There were some things that were noticable, such as Mat being a little bit more serious and using bigger words than he usually does, and a couple of other characters that were a little off. Egwene was awesome, I think you captured her well, and in fact, I found her portion of the story even more interesting than the other parts (even Rand included). I really liked how you got into Rand's head a bit more. The part where he taps into the true power gave me goose bumps.

I was a little disappointed with the part where he and Tam meet, I gotta say. I think more time could have been given to that--I hope you follow up in TOM on that piece. Otherwise though, I thought this book was spectacular. Also, one thing you did VERY VERY VERY VERY well was tie in memories and sequences from the previous books--all the way back to EOTW and TGH, which really made us old readers get that warm fuzzy feeling.

Thanks alot Brandon.  You are going to be one of the great fantasy writers of all time I think. I can't wait to read Way of Kings now. I really am looking forward to that, after we get the rest of the Wheel of Time. :)

Books / Re: Fantasy: reliable content
« on: October 06, 2009, 05:41:16 AM »
I'm surprised no mention is made of Melanie Rawn's Dragon Prince series. The depth of the characters in those novels is, in my opinion, amazing and unprecedented. The story lines and the philosophy are excellent. And the balance between overtly sexual and not is very, very well drawn.

To be honest, I think Melanie Rawn ranks as amongst the best fantasy writers ever, as great as Jordan or Sanderson.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Warbreaker: Free Ebook
« on: December 31, 2007, 07:40:25 PM »
I just finished the Warbreaker book. Excellent piece of writing, however I do agree with the poster a couple posts up in that the term "BioChroma" was a bit off kilter for the fantasy world being portrayed here. I didn't like the magic system until the very end, to be honest. The explanation of it (especially the 4 types of Biochromatic entities) could also have been introduced earlier. Manyof the "abilities" that Vasher uses (such as enhanced fingers and feet) could be expanded upon; I liked that they reminded me in a sense of an exoskeleton.

Other than that, the characters were excellent and their growth and interactions were well explained. I would suggest maybe spending more time on Vivenna's "fall from grace". The revellation at the end of Llarimar and Lightsong's relationship was spectacular. That scene made me cry.

Can't wait to get this one in hardcover. Thanks again Brandon.

Books / Re: Booklist of Awesome
« on: December 31, 2007, 07:32:35 PM »
Wheel of Time series - Jordan
Dragon Prince series - Rawn
Warbreaker and Mistborn series - Sanderson
Blue moon Rising - Simon R. Green
Harry Potter series
Crime and Punishment (Dostoevsky)
Sword of Shannara original three, and talismans series - Terry Brooks

More to come as I try to recall all I've read...

Books / Re: Books you dislike or used to dislike?
« on: December 31, 2007, 07:21:54 PM »
I'm mostly a fantasy buff, so I'll keep my list restricted to that. Truth be told, I could go on and on and on about many classics and how much I dislike many of them.

In no particular order, fantasy I despise and loathe, greatly:

1. David Eddings - Pedantic, shallow and irritating characters. Poorly developed world and magic system.

2. Stephen Donaldson - I read the first few pages of White Gold Wielder...very dry and boring. I'm usually not that impatient with a book (at least read out to the middle of the book or so), but Donaldson made me snore.

3. George RR Martin - Hated it. Inconsistent world, uninspiring characters, WANTON RAMPANT VIOLENCE IS NOT A SELLING POINT PEOPLE.

4. Terry Goodkind - Wizard's first rule was good. After that, it was just a series of plagiarism, preachy ranting, and poorly written and constructed plot. Also, see above. Rampant and unwarranted violence and torture just desensitizes and turns fantasy into gruesomely unrealistic.

5. Tad Williams Memory Sorry and Thorn series - A race of midget eskimos with big mouths do not... Never. No. Sorry.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: How did you find out about Brandon Sanderson?
« on: December 27, 2007, 12:23:04 AM »
First time poster here, although I've been reading fantasy novels consistently for over 18 years.

To Brandon:

I apologize in advance, but to be honest, I never heard about you till I saw the announcement regarding you being selected to complete the final WOT book. I had my reservations about reading your Mistborn series initially, since I didn't want to "spoil" myself to your style before reading the final WOT book once it was completed, and I didn't want to start reading yet another disappointing, ill-conceived fantasy novel (such has been the trend for me the last few years).

I have to say I am very, very glad I decided to buy Mistborn.  Without getting to verbose, the characters captivated me. Well that's probably too simplistic, but that's what draws me into good fantasy. Not elaborate magic systems, or setting, or lengthy, convoluted plots...and especially not preachy, canonical ranting like certain writers out there. I really enjoyed Mistborn because it put the importance of character development and relating the reader to the characters first, and everyone of the other elements was draw from that characterization. The character development felt natural and human.

 As soon as I finished Mistborn a couple hours ago, I went out and bought the hardcover of Well of Ascension (I'm a cheapass though, I would have bought the paper back if they had it). I can't wait to start on it once I get off work here. My only future criticism is going to be (like with so many other good fantasy series)...three books is not going to be enough for me!

I hope you continue to write and produce excellent novels. I look forward to Well!

Thank you,

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