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Messages - zas678

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Rants and Stuff / Re: Final Elections for the New Hero of Ages
« on: December 16, 2009, 06:03:31 AM »
Not a tyrant. Just an annoying little storyteller/beggar/informant/Terrisman/anything else I want  ;)

(and Karen's cousin, just to be clear)

Oh! and Feeble rhymes with Evil, which backwards is Live, which rhymes with give, which describes Santa, who gives presents to the masses, and mass rhymes with Zas!  ( I know it's a stretch, but hey! who said Hoid has to be concise. In fact I think, if anything, Hoid has a responsibility to be long-winded)

Brandon Sanderson / Re: The Way of Kings : pre-release
« on: December 16, 2009, 05:32:05 AM »
Hey lookee what I found! Anyways, I think that Way of Kings will have a guy who just 'happens' to stumble onto a shard sword (mystical shard-powered things) and he will struggle what to do with it. Does he try to take power with it , because he's a good person and would rule better? Or does he give it to someone else who he feels is more 'worthy' to have it? Or does he not take power because he feels it would corrupt him?

Any who, I think that we will also have a fairly scholarly figure, since Brandon seems to like them (Sazed, Elend, Raoden, Vasher?). I also think he will have a fairly strong female leader, but not another Vin.  I think that part of the magic, as some people seem to already know (curse you Dragonsteel!), Will be the ability to change from the Physical to the Cognitive, and maybe even to the Spiritual? I doubt that last one, or it will be such a rare (or impossible) occurance that it is a huge deal when a character gets it.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Hoid Compendium
« on: December 14, 2009, 10:13:25 AM »
I got some more stuff to add- this is from Brandon's Barnes & Noble Q&A
Who is Hoid in WoA? We (TWG) have found some candidates:
Wolfhound merchant
Terris person that Elend meets after Vin went back to Luthadel
Teur or old Jed (the two Skaa in the first Sazed chapter)
Crazy canibal Skaa (I doubt it though)
We already know it isn't the man who discovered duralumin, or the skaa leader outside the dress shop, or the old skaa who waits with the Holy First Witness when the koloss attack.
I think those were all of the characters that we found as candidates.

People are really close to this one, and I noticed that later in this thread, you or someone else mentioned the footprints in the deleted scene.
Hoid's appearance in MB:WA is a little unlike the others.  When the scene at the Well was moved in revision, one of Hoid’s  major influences on the book had to go  (For various reasons.) Left in the book is only one little hint, really.  A character notices something odd about someone, but doesn't dwell on it.  You can probably find the line if you look very closely.
Let me say this.  Hoid got wrapped up in things he didn't expect to be involved in, and they dominated much of his time during the events of MB:WA.  He spent most of the book in a different place from most of the viewpoint characters.  He's only near them for a very short time, and he's deeply in disguise.  I couldn't include his name, as he'd never have used the name "Hoid" for himself there, because it wouldn't have been right for the disguise.  He'd have used another pseudonym.  (He didn't, by the way, mention one.)
I've probably said too much already.  Now, perhaps what people should asking me is this: “What Hoid has been up to in all of these books?”  Or, maybe they shouldn't ask me, as I wouldn't be likely to answer.  (There are clues in the novels, however.)  No, he’s not just hanging out.  Yes, I know what he’s been doing.  Will I write his scenes some day?  Maybe.  We’ll see.  There may be short stories posted on my website.

So, Brandon. Hoid. I remember you saying at the I.F. signing last year that he was in WoA. We, your dedicated fans who like scouring books searching for obscure characters who have any possibility of being the mysterious Hoid, have yet to find him. Peter sent us on a hunt for him (Hoid, not Peter...) in the deleted scenes, and we found his boot-print.

Now, I think he broke the pottery there too--the one holding the larasium--and since there's broken pottery in the actual version, I think he may have snuck into the cavern and broken it as well. If so, is this Hoid's part in WoA? This trace of him? I commend you if it is. It is clever, making us think it was a person, when in fact it's just something he did.

You are on the right track, but wrong on one point.  Hoid does appear in the book.

I had originally toyed with making his touch on the novel more obscure, but decided that I wanted to be consistent with the other novels by actually having him appear.  Once I realized I’d probably cut the scene with the footprint, I decided I needed this actual appearance even more badly.

Fortunately, I knew what Hoid had been up to all this time, and had placed him in a position where several characters could run into him.  In WoA, Hoid believed (as Vin did) that the Well was in the North, even though it was not.  He spent much of the book pursuing this idea.

Through events, however, he discovered he was wrong.  He made the realization after Vin did, but only because of a chance meeting.  (This is recorded in the books.  Let’s just say he was listening in when someone implied that the Well was in Luthadel.)

He hurried to Luthadel, and was in the town, skulking about in the last parts of the novel.  He isn’t seen here, though he does still infiltrate the Well.  (Hoid is quite proficient at manipulating Shadesmar for his own ends.)

It was latter confirmed by many sources that the old Terrisman who talks to Elend in WoA is indeed Hoid.

Edit- I seem to remember somewhere Brandon mentioning that Hoid broke the pottery to help Elend. Was that just a theory that we had, or did it come from Brandon/Peter?

Rants and Stuff / Re: These Stupid Titles IX: Still Without a Title
« on: December 13, 2009, 07:00:49 AM »
Psh. At least your not a paperweight.

Rants and Stuff / Re: Final Elections for the New Hero of Ages
« on: December 13, 2009, 06:56:05 AM »
I would like to apply to be the HoA's Hoid.
The Job description (as much as I can follow) is this:
  • Pop up in random spots, Being a different character(username) each time, but still having the still pictue (old man)
  • Anything else the HoA deems me worthy to do, such as declaring war on the Church of Kaz

So what do you think?

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Y.A.S.P... (Also known as Scribbler)
« on: December 11, 2009, 08:01:00 PM »
I would be very willing to referee the competition. Should we just keep the system as it is at the beginning?

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Way of the Kings
« on: December 06, 2009, 12:55:45 AM »
[murmurs under his breath] Stupid alpha readers. [/murmuring]

But seriously, it sounds incredible. I can't wait.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Mistborn 3 Annotations Discussion *Spoilers*
« on: November 25, 2009, 04:33:51 PM »
So does that mean that Penrod would be considered a Inquisitor, since his spike went through his heart?

I think the point that they become Inquisitors is when Ruin (or a duralumined  Allomancer) can take control of your body. 

Brandon Sanderson / Re: **SPOILERS! The Shards of Adonalsium
« on: November 23, 2009, 09:21:42 AM »
No, what I was saying was maybe he's trying to tell us something about how the Shards of Andonalsium works. I think he's trying to tell us that The Shards all are placed where and when they are placed for a reason, and they are made by maybe even the Death of Andonalsium.

Gosh, Can't you guys read minds?  ;)

(PS now after reading my original post I realize that it was quite vague, and it implied that Penrod was a Shard, which makes no sense. Sorry!)

Brandon Sanderson / Re: **SPOILERS! The Shards of Adonalsium
« on: November 21, 2009, 04:50:08 PM »
I found this in HOA, and it has an interesting word...
"The shard of metal got dangerously close to your heart
(A doctor about Penrod's spike,pg 294)

It may just be a coincidence, but I don't think so. I think Brandon may be trying to tell us something very conspicuously.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Mistborn 3 Annotations Discussion *Spoilers*
« on: November 20, 2009, 07:12:40 PM »
Or the Lerasium spike as well

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Mistborn 3 Annotations Discussion *Spoilers*
« on: November 20, 2009, 12:35:18 AM »
Random outside-the-box thinking here, but if Inquisitors (who weren't originally allomancers) had children (why don't we see any female Inquisitors anyway?), would they be more likely to be allomancers?

Probably not, but it's an interesting thought. If it is true, we might see some children of Marsh (unlikely) that have powers. Who knows, maybe the mistborn from the next trilogy might be his son/daughter.

One more random thought. I say that at some point in the next trilogy, the hero will guiltily hemalurgically spike a dying man, in order to try and defeat the villain.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Magic Systems
« on: November 18, 2009, 06:36:19 AM »
Kaz- I think that having one of the character's names being Cain is a little to obvious. But it doesn't look too bad when it has the last name attached

EDIT- In Valkynphyre's story, it would be awesome if someone (a Marshish character) was forced to be super-powerful (by a father or something) and so he was a good character that had this evil power. He tries to use his power for good, and in order to defeat Evil Man, he has to gain more power, darkening him further.....

Ari- Eno kinda sounds like an Idea of the Day that Brandon had a while back, only it was the opposite. It was were if you cought a cold, then the cold would give you powers(because the virus wants you to live so that it can live). This made it so that the strongest people in the world are actually the weakest. And visa versa

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Mistborn 3 Annotations Discussion *Spoilers*
« on: November 14, 2009, 05:57:23 AM »
The Lerasium-side effect of becoming a mistborn makes sense. After all, doesn't Atium make you an incredible killing machine (as Sazed mentions in one of the epitaphs).

But what this leads me to wonder is what Lerasium would do as a Spike. Since Atium does something specific in Allomancy, it stands to reason, that a Lerasium Spike would do something specific too. (Although you'd have to be pretty stupid to make a spike out of it instead of just burning it)

I don't know....

Since I haven't read any of the books YET I would not have gone to the midnight release party and gotten a number and signed book if Brandon's name wasn't on the cover.

So he at least got one guy to go out and buy it because of him. Hoorah.

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