Local Authors > Writing Group

Must Writing Consume your Life?


SE's questionings about his future made me ponder on this topic.  Put quite simply, writing does consume my life.  If I'm not physically typing, then I'm either thinking about storylines, working on my writing through a writing group, or I'm doing something else and WISHING that I were writing.  

I've heard a lot of authors say that this is what happens to them once they hit 'zen writer' stage.  Everything else in life becomes secondary to the current story.  This is why writers have such high instances of divorce, and why a lot of writers drink so much.  

I have to admit, this kind of worries me.  I see this already in my life.  What do the rest of you think?

The Holy Saint, Grand High Poobah, Master of Monkeys, Ehlers:
nothing wrong with it being your obsession, so long as you can balance reality into it. I don't care what it is, if it's leading to divorce, it's been given the wrong status in your life. (Ok, yes, you're not married, but you get the point). There are things more important than writing. you just have to realize that.

Mistress of Darkness:
I agree. There's a lot to be said for recognizing your weaknesses and acting accordingly. I think you're on the right track.


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