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release date of the omen machine

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I, on the other hand, am quite fond of his work, despite some...ah...flaws. Any books you guys know of that would be impressive enough to change my mind?

Bookstore Guy:
Really kind of depends.  You could go to my blog and check out the bajillion novels we've reviewed.

I know WriterDan will point as quickly as possible to Daniel Abraham.  I personally enjoy Adrian Tchaikovsky, Joe Abercrombie, and Steven Erikson.

Honestly I have no idea what Peter likes.  Sometimes we agree to the point of feeling a little creeped out, then other times we couldn't be further apart with our opinions.

Edit:  Shiael - I also hope I didn't come across as bashing your taste in reading.  I personally don't care for Goodkind much, but I respect your right to like whatever you want (whatever lets your mind wander).  If everyone liked the same thing life would get boring.

im always open to new things... and i will check those out. strangely, I haven't heard of one of them.  Only my library is for a town of three hundred people, soo....yeah. XD

Shiael: were right...... the omen machine was a terrible let-down. i refuse to touch it again, even with a 'mile long pole', lol!


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