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Chaos Theories #2: Magic Systems 101

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Including the infamous laser eyed sharks and riffs on Eragon. It's for science, people!

Of course, I just submitted it, so it's not on the front page immediately. However, if you are so motivated, I also have it posted on my blog:

Hopefully it's entertaining!


you ramble. might be nice to tighten things up a bit next time.

oddly entertaining, tho.

I agree, this one did ramble, but I thought the topic deserved some rambling. Next week (okay, maybe not next week, but soonish!), when I discuss Godel's Incompleteness Theorem, there will be less rambling. I was trying to channel some Rothfuss in it.

The picture you selected for it cracked me up. I think on the page it looks a bit odd since its much wider than all the other images for other articles, though.

crap, the one i chose didn't show up. it was working fine last night. i'll need to fix that.

Very nice. However, now I've got an idea in my head about a world in which magic is only accessible through sharks. If I write this, and it turns out suspiciously similar to Pokemon, I'm gonna blame you, mkay? :P

Also, I just tried to do some quick research on this 'Gödel's Incompleteness Theorums' thing, and my brain broke after the first few sentences. The only things that's kept me from becoming a gibbering wreck was focusing on the awesome umlaut in the dude's name. I don't know if this will work a second time, so the next post might have to involve hand puppets...


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