Games > Video Games

Mistborn RPG video game

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Oh man... Assassin's Creed + Mistborn. Holy crap.

I would want to shoot myself if they turned Mistborn into an MMO, but it could make an awesome single player game. I don't really ever see either happening anyway, so I'm okay with just imagining everything in my head.

Co-op of mistings/mistborn against computer generated enemies on a seperate map for each team?
Yes, maybe.
MMORPG a lá WoW?
Assasins Creed with Allomantic powers?

I think instead of everyone is a mistborn, we could have mistings running around. When they reach lv. 55, they could choose to create a Mistborn. Like in wow we could only play a certain type of character only if one of our other character reach that level. And we could have two or three teams,  like the mistings and mistborn of slaves in one  team;  the government's mistborn/misting another team (of course their powers must be a little different from the ones in slave's team) ; and then we could have different religion, two gods  the caos god and the preservation god. The world in mistborn is actually pretty big, takes days for Vin to travel from between major cities. And that is she is a mistborn. You'll need a horse for a Misting. :D

Juan Dolor:
I think a game like this has to allow for non-magical folks.  Like Elend.  And more than allow, they have to make it fun for those classes, and balance them with the magical ones.  The Wheel of Time d20 RPG did a good job of this, I thought.


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