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The Far Reaches Webcomic


I don't normally get into webcomics (Schlock was my first) but this one is pretty interesting. Its very similar to Schlock in setting, and while its not as consistently released or as consistently funny as Schlock (at least in the beginning, I haven't gotten very far) it is always beautiful. The art at the beginning of the strip is better than the art that Howard is releasing now. It has obvious inspirations from anime and I really like it!

I'll check that out as soon as I'm finished with the archives of Dr. McNinja. I just hope the rest of the comic is good enough for me to tolerate that anime influence you mentioned...because, you know, my subscription list isn't long enough or anything. (20 and counting!)


Gonna have to disagree with you on the quality of the art there Reaves.  Schlock is an entirely different style, yes, perhaps even one you like less than the farreaches art style, but Howard's is by no means worse. Not by a long shot.  In fact, I like his better.

That of course is a skarpinionTM* One I will stand by.

*(not to be confused with a skarittudeTM which 'tudes I have been known to abandon on short notice)

:shrug: its not always amazing. At times, he doesn't even color. But when he does devote a long amount of time to it, its simply beautiful.

heh. The artiste' is supposed to pay a drudge to ink and color!


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