Local Authors > Brandon Sanderson

Official Fan Art Thread **Don't create new threads**

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Here is a bit of fan art combined with my own character from my webcomic.

Not classic fan art, but it was Mistborn inspired :D

Enjoy :D

Finally finally finally got around to doing some Mistborn fanart and kept forgetting to post it here.  My bad.


Nice job!! I like it!

Maybe add some blue Push lines?

Noice! I'm lovin' it very much. I hate to admit it, but the mistcloaks have always looked a little funny to me - distracting even. I find this image of Vin much more appealing than her typical one (with the cloak).

I am definitely looking forward to seeing more art from you!

Wow, all the art here is pretty awesome. I love the koloss pieces. It makes me want to start up some fan art as well...that could take a while. I work mostly with paint and charcoal, and I kind of hate working with graphite. But I will do some fanart eventually! *instert dramatic pose*


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