Local Authors > Robison E. Wells

Comments to Rob's bloviating

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Well you may be an "Architect" but I'm cooler boy-o, I'm a Composer which means I'm "attuned to sensory variation in color, line, texture, aroma, flavor, tone-seeing, touching, smelling, tasting, and hearing in harmony".  I don't see you attuned to anything but worrying about failure, while I have "a natural grace of movement".  Ya I rock.


House of Mustard:
Whatever...  You also are a kindred spirit with Cher, which takes away any coolness.

But this is me:  "[Architects] think of themselves as the prime movers who must pit themselves against nature and society in an endless struggle."

Arrogant, perhaps, but cool.

Psh but I've got Mel Brooks which negates any possible harm from Cher.

my "senses [are] keenly tuned to reality" which means the Gnomes liveing in my closet are real and everyone else isn't "tuned" enough to see them.

I'm a Teacher, which puts me in with Gorbachev. That explains the birthmark.

The Holy Saint, Grand High Poobah, Master of Monkeys, Ehlers:
I'm a performer artisan. That makes me a prima donna. I'm in with Ronald Regan and Marilyn Monroe. I rock


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