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Messages - hubay

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Reading Excuses / Re: June 24 – Hubay, Lord Domestic Ch12
« on: June 24, 2011, 08:24:54 PM »
Thanks for going through all those, Skyhunter. You gave some good feedback.

You asked earlier how the squiddies carried their familiars. The answer is they don't – part of the squid is grafted into their shoulder like the rest of the metsi. They do have to oil it up a lot so it doesn't get too dry, but otherwise it's no difference. At some point I'd like to explore and explain the grafting process better, but right now I'm focused on the plot.

Reading Excuses / Re: June 24 – Hubay, Lord Domestic Ch12
« on: June 24, 2011, 06:30:03 AM »
Haha, Yeah, there's some bits you're missing out on. Namely, Jhuz can fly (that's how sits on the air).

I'm glad you liked the humor though, even if you didn't quite get what was going on. I must be doing something right if that carries across.

I can email you the older chapters if you want, though. You don't need to feel like you have to read them all or critique them, but it will help the rest of this makes sense, at least.

Reading Excuses / June 24 – Hubay, Lord Domestic Ch12
« on: June 21, 2011, 06:06:10 AM »
Sorry about the wait – I got a dog today! anyways, this is the last chapter of Part 2 of Jhuz's storyline, or at least the first half of that chapter. I should have the second half next week. anyways, this is mostly an aftermath sort of chapter, but I also add in a bit of what's to come with Zaisha. Let me know what you think about the Dombow.

Hubay, Lord Domestic Ch12 (L,V,S,D)

Summary: the Legion has finally achieved victory against the Nothroi host, though not the army entire. After looting the enemy camp, Jhuz and the army celebrate.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Allow of Law Excerpt 1
« on: June 19, 2011, 03:21:40 AM »
I thought I saw a blog post by Joe Abercrombie saying he was researching westerns for his next project; pretty excited about that.

I'm betting at some point in the novel Wax's decision to skim his weight non-stop will come back to bite him in the but. It might make him quicker, but it also means his muscles don't get a lot of exercise – including his heart. if he gets older that might mean his loses his strength quickly, and I foresee a scene where he loses his feruchemical bands and has to struggle moving around because he's not used to being normal-weighted.

Reading Excuses / Re: Email List + Submission Dates
« on: June 16, 2011, 02:26:39 PM »
Alright, well I'm still going to toss something in monday. Even if we're low on traffic right now, I need a deadline to keep writing. If only I hadn't majored in journalism...

Reading Excuses / Re: June 6th - Will777r - Soul Yearning - Chapter 3
« on: June 08, 2011, 10:36:38 PM »
There's a bit where he starts to recognize the ruined surroundings as his everyday home. I think it has a lot of potential, but you're not quite there. Make it more solid: have him think sadly "this is where I last talked to my friend – he's dead over there. This is where I played soccer (or whatever) – the field is forever ruined." I think it will have a much stronger impact if you provide concrete examples.

I really enjoyed the transition of albione from confidant warrior to awestruck/shy priest. My only complaint is it might have made sense to happen after the last chunk of action. You have him switch when he's done fighting, which is good, but I think he might have still been to distracted by the priests fighting the last dark elf before he realized where he was and who he was with.

I also like the story you have building with the rivalry between the militia and the priesthood, but looking back in the first chapter you should give some more concrete examples, showing rather than telling. Have a knight mutter about how he hopes some militia man gets an arrow in the assault, or show people bunch up in groups: they're avoiding contact with their rivals, to the overall detriment of their defence. It doesn't matter how you do it, but if I see people acting out their hate and rivalry, I'll realize it and believe it that much sooner.

Random notes:
 I think you should have Albione's thoughts at the beginning in italics, rather than quotes. Unless he's in the habit of thinking outloud, it just makes more sense for readers. When he makes an exclamation, obviously he'd say it out loud out of surprise or anger or fear.

Rook-Sha seems like a very different name from the rest of the ones you've used so far. Is she from a different area than Charom and Albione. Do priestesses just get special names? If you're just making the names up as you go you might want to check them over so they all seem cohesive.

Books / Re: What are you reading, part 3
« on: June 06, 2011, 10:35:30 PM »
I loved Empire of Black and Gold, though it did have some weaknesses. I'm hoping those are due to this being the author's first book.

Oh, don't worry. I just finished the Scarab Path and mmmm that was good. You get this extremely personal struggle within the city, but there's also this epic battle that comes when two armies clash. Best of both worlds.

It was also awesome to see a more-or-less Inapt city and learn more about the magic, but they also tossed in new technology with Totho and a new wasp artificer. Again, best of both worlds.

And then there's this a great mystery throughout the novel, and the story really expanded on his world, which is one of Tchaikovsky's greatest strengths.

It was by far my favorite of his so far, and I think I'll be ordering the UK version of the Sea Watch just so I can get it early.

Reading Excuses / Re: May 30 – Hubay – Lord Domestic Ch 11
« on: June 06, 2011, 10:29:16 PM »
Glad you enjoyed it!

The army does try to get a larger portion of *metsi, since they're so much better than a regular. Normally they make up about a fifth of the army, but their losses have made it somewhere between a third and a half (the regulars die easier). In this battle I put them on the right flank, that's why it fell faster than the herd.

In general, I hear a lot of you guys telling me to add a little more information for clarification, or to show the impact on Jhuz's character more deeply. I think that's really important; I have a lot of action and dialogue, but I tend to skimp both on setting and character's self-reflection. In the rewrite I'll have to toss it in, and from now on I think I'll try to include it in my writing – though I'll still be shy on setting because it helps me write faster.

Anyways, thanks for the advice. Akoebel, I hope you enjoy your vacation!

Reading Excuses / Re: May 30 – Hubay – Lord Domestic Ch 11
« on: June 02, 2011, 11:36:33 PM »
Thanks for the feedback!

You've got a good point about the summary. I don't know how much of a problem it is, but I can't really drag Jhuz into the fight because he needs to be in command. I'm thinking I might try to toss a friend of his in the fray, or something along those lines. Jhuz will still be in charge, but it gives him a more personal interest in the matter.

On an unrelated note, do you guys think "Belay that!" was the right wording when Jhuz tells people to disregard Lexio's order? I've only heard it in a nautical sense – is there an different command for land armies?

Reading Excuses / Re: May 30 - Will77r - Soul Yearning - Chapter 2
« on: June 02, 2011, 11:24:30 PM »
I'll agree with manny that adding the two characters, and then killing them off, is a little distracting. I think sometimes authors will toss in a new character and immediately kill him/her off, but it's almost always as way to lead into a fight or introduce a monster. Since you've already led us in to this battle with albione, I feel like it looses the impact. So it should go nobody POV dies-> main Pov picks up fight, not the other way around.

Charom also come's off as pompous and vain in the first few paragraphs, when he talks about how proud he is to have this position. If that's what his character is, cool. But his actions at the end of the chapter suggest otherwise, so you might want to reword it so he seems less full of himself.

I think you've done a pretty good job balancing exposition and plot/action. We're starting to learn a bit about your world but it isn't distracting.

That said, your magic bothers me. I think it's because you almost describe magic happening from an observer's perspective, and not from the perspective of your POV character. If you want to go for a mostly omniscient narrator, I guess that would work. But you don't seem to, so it's strange. The problem is, you have characters say words or make motions, and then the magic happens, but you don't describe how it feels to use the magic. Take albione's healing: he lays his hands on the guard, light flows, and healing happens. But that's not enough; there has to be some kind of sensation that accompanies the healing. It would be like if I kicked a wall, the wall broke, but my foot didn't feel a thing. I would expect him to feel like there's something flowing out of him into the guard, or maybe since his magic comes from a god, using it results in him temporarily feeling the overwhelming, alien touch of his god's  mind. Or something like that.

Reading Excuses / May 30 – Hubay – Lord Domestic Ch 11
« on: May 31, 2011, 03:15:39 AM »
Sorry about the wait, everyone. I've been pretty busy today.
So this is the big battle scene! I'm excited to hear back from everyone, a lot happens in this chapter and I hope I pull it off well. Thinking about what Akoebel said, I decided to put Jhuz's crisis about leadership in this chapter, to make it seem organic. The discussion at the end of the last chapter will have to be re-written.

I'd also appreciate any feedback on Jhuz's leadership and how reasonable it feel. Fireflyz, I know you've been busy lately, but since you have a lot of experience with the military (hope you're enjoying memorial day, by the way) I'd like to know what you think. Anyways:

Hubay – Lord Domestic Ch11 (L,V,S)

Last chapter: Jhuz meets Rince, a fox-metsi and archer. A division of the Nothroi army approaches.

Summary: The Legion and Nothroi fight, and Jhuz is forced into a leadership role


Reading Excuses / Re: May 23 – Hubay – Lord Domestic Ch 10
« on: May 30, 2011, 12:26:58 AM »
@akoebel: a decurion just commands 10 men, so he's the lowest ranking officer. My army doesn't quite conform to roman standards, it just borrows a lot of lingo. But i'll make sure to make that more apparent.

The reason rince killed the two animals was as a sort of revenge for them killing the fox; it wasn't meant to be cruel. But if that isn't coming across I'll have to lengthen the tension a little bit or something. Hm.

As for Rince's metsi: I wanted the fox to have a sort of 'trickster' power, but I didn't want it to be an illusion because I have other animals planned out for that. I'm not set on this one power yet – that is, I want to use it at some point, but it doesn't have to be for a fox – so let me know if someone comes up with a better idea for his metsi.

The javelin tactics is actually how rome started charges; they'd throw a volley of javelins, hopefully weakening the enemy lines, and then charge in before they had chance to recoup. Might have to show this happening in earlier battles.

And good advice on Jhuz's struggle at the end. I think  I'll show more of his thought process throughout the last few days. Thanks!

Writing Group / Re: How many medics does an army need?
« on: May 28, 2011, 10:38:53 PM »
Thanks! I'm thinking in modern times medicine is run so differently we can manage that kind of ratio; in this time period they're more likely to just cut off and cauterize any wounds, so increasing the number of surgeons wouldn't be as huge of an improvement. I might up the reserve number so that they can replace any that were killed? Or I suppose I could just move more of the reserve out to the field so you have 1 to 50 instead of 1 to 100.

I think I'll  just have to read up on classical era medicine; If they can't do much in terms of surgery they probably wouldn't have as many healers because it wouldn't make a difference.

Reading Excuses / Re: Email List + Submission Dates
« on: May 27, 2011, 06:30:22 PM »
I've got another chapter in the works, looks like it will be done by monday


I agree with you on the portals – do you think they were all routed through Urithiru? It would be like a central hub, which would allow them to charge all sorts of money to let people use it. Perhaps it was originally intended to let the Radiants quickly respond to any threat, anywhere, by giving them a portal to all the major cities. In peace time, it would become a magical airport. It would also help explain why the gates aren't around. If they were in Urithiru, and Urithiru is gone, then they'd be unusable.

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