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Messages - lethalfalcon

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Reading Excuses / Re: Since we're an email based-group...
« on: March 23, 2010, 02:24:36 AM »
What are these virus things you speak of? :)

Nothing here, but then again, I'm on my own mail server with an aggressive server-side virus/spam scanner that tends to send anything but legitimate good email into great beyond. And I'm on linux, so it wouldn't matter even if I did get one. Silly windows users.

Reading Excuses / Re: March 22 - Asmodemon - Mouse Trap
« on: March 23, 2010, 02:22:07 AM »
Alrighty, I guess I'll be first. I'll go out on a limb and say I thought it was decent, but (and you knew it was coming)...

The first thing that got to me was the very beginning. It just wasn't very gripping. This is a big problem for me as I suddenly start feeling like it's 10 times longer if I'm not hooked pretty quick. Doesn't stop me from reading it (I'm a glutton for punishment), but I start skimming. Mouse... just doesn't do anything in that first chunk. I would almost start with the suspense of examining the thought-to-be station by the "engineers", then move to Mouse... or just cut that first part entirely. It doesn't seem to serve much purpose to the overall story.

And yes, build up the suspense. They're examining the decrepit station that's completely dark (at least on page 2... more on that later), and they're behaving like there might still be a threat (which you noted was a little pointless), but they're talking like it's a walk in the park. So you have this real potential to step it up a notch and put me on the edge of my chair, but right now I'm left thinking "Why do I care?" I don't get any back story on the reason the station's toast until page 25. Now, I know you don't want to give away all the secrets (and that's good), it'd be nice to at least know that the station went dark unexpectedly. But I'd also like to know why exactly it took 4 years to send someone. You mention something about political conflict, but not why it would matter to sending rescue.

About the dark... you have some continuity issues. Lights that aren't on, and then are, Mouse's opinion of Elisa, etc.

The middle of the story I enjoyed a lot more. Things were happening, people were dying, discoveries were being made... in general, the story was progressing, and I got a  better feel for the characters.

The end... well, I like how you ended it a lot (and I would keep that the end), but I would also like to know what happened to the others on the station. There's no closure on that front. Do they all die? Does Erik get trapped when the other survivors from the expedition leave? It's like you only ended half the book, and I was slightly depressed by that. You end Erik's chapter with "Well, that completes one part of the mission."  Well what about the other part(s)? Show me!

In all, I liked it. I'll send you some more line-level edits when I manage to finish them. 27 pages is a lot to go through with a fine-toothed comb. I got about 6 pages in before I changed to just reading.

Reading Excuses / Re: March 16 - lethalfalcon - Heartglass - Prologue
« on: March 17, 2010, 06:11:12 AM »
Sigh, always with the dialog.  So, I have to ask, *how* can I make it better? I'm obviously heavily deficient in this area, which is very likely due to my complete social aversion. I think I need specifics in this area, if only to get a better understanding.

Not quite sure why you think it's so short, though. It's 2600 words, give or take. Normal chapters are what, 4-5k? I've seen far shorter prologues. Maybe you just feel it's short because it captivated you enough? I can only hope.

Reading Excuses / Re: March 16 - lethalfalcon - Heartglass - Prologue
« on: March 17, 2010, 04:05:59 AM »
That's it?! LTU, you disappoint me. I thought I could always count on you for a scathing review chock full of how tortuous you found it, complaining that you couldn't get to the spoons to gouge out your eyes fast enough.

But this... you liked it? Sheesh. Now I'm going to feel bad being all critical and mean on your submissions. That's your real plan, isn't it? Drat. :)

On a side note, feeling like fantasy is *exactly* what I'm going for. The reason it's actually sci-fi is because I needed a bigger "world". I need vast economies, great distances, huge overreaching governments... I just don't feel like I could accomplish it with a single planet, and I didn't want to go into planar travel.

It'll be a lot more sci-fi once he's not stuck on/in a prison world, but I'm going to try to keep it with a bit of fantasy setting.

And Delving is an interesting beast... you'll see that in chapter 1. If I can get more free time to actually write. *grumble*

Reading Excuses / March 16 - lethalfalcon - Heartglass - Prologue
« on: March 17, 2010, 02:44:55 AM »
And here's a thread. Yay.

Thanks in advance to anyone who tortured themselves to read something of mine. :P I appreciate all feedback.

Reading Excuses / Re: Email List + Submission Dates
« on: March 14, 2010, 11:59:46 PM »
You love me like a witch loves the huge mole on the end of her nose. It's necessary for the persona, but it still hurts like hell. :)

Reading Excuses / Re: Email List + Submission Dates
« on: March 14, 2010, 10:59:18 PM »
Tell ya what. I'll try to post something tomorrow. It'll be from a different story than before. And then I can wade through the backlog of LTU's submissions to poke at him some more ('cause I know he loves it oh-so-much). Oh, and a few from other submitters, too. :P

Work has been killing me, too, and on top of that I just found out I need to have one of my teeth pulled (and subsequently replaced, since it's my top left incisor). So... more work, so I can afford the $2k surgery and $1400 crown. Whee.

I also missed your initial submission (stupid work), so I'll do both here as well. Guess it's a good thing you attached your rewritten chapter 1. :)

Okay, I'm going to agree with most of what Ryos said about the beginning, but I'm going to do it in my snarky way. So here's exactly what I was thinking as I read it:

The air is shaking? What kind of phenomenon... oh, it's a clock's bell. And she thinks she's late for something, but she's not. (Cliche)
Holy description, Batman! Well, no problem with that... oh geez, more description... (scroll scroll scroll) No, I'm reviewing this, can't skip parts. (scroll back). Okay, so I can see everything around her, but nothing's *happening*. Now when is the heist going to start?

And yes, I knew it was a heist from the beginning, but only because your title gave it away. However, unless you want to bore your readers to tears for the first 3 pages, cut most of the description. I get the feeling that some of the reason it's there is to establish scene, and it also does a good job of showing how meticulous to detail she is, but almost all of it is pointless because it never plays any role. We don't need to see what's making Mia bored enough to doze off to know how it feels; most of us have been bored before (like most of my college classes).

As for the chimney, it isn't happening. Given the technical level of your society, I'd imagine they would have figured out how to use dampers, which you are not getting past. Flues are also usually smaller than a person. Also, rain caps are common in more modern chimneys, which would make it practically impossible to get out of. So, unless your fireplace is about 10' wide (that's about how big the entrance would need to be for a flue big enough for a human to fit through) and there's no damper at all, she's just not getting out that way. The chimney on my house has 3 flues, each of which I can barely fit my hand down.

As for the split POVs... well, I'm not a particular fan of breaking it apart that much, but I can see how it could work, because it keeps the two scenes very temporally aligned.  Except that it doesn't. You have the scene with the negotiation interspersed with the robbery, but the robbery took place 45 minutes before the negotiations... which really makes it seem weird at the end. Now if they were happening at the same time, I think that would be *really* cool. Have Mia walk in and dissolve her Silence right after he asks, and give him the shard. "Here you go, job's done. Quick enough for you?" Awesome.

On to chapter 2. This is definitely building character and world, and I don't really have a problem with that. We have to learn about the characters somehow, right? I'm going do disagree with Ryos a little bit: smallclothes did not originate from WOT. The term's been around in the real world since 1759, according to Webster. People understand what you mean with it, and it's a lot older than the word underwear. The nature of common rooms was the nature of common rooms. There's no reason to make them different just to be unique. It'll just stand out as weird to most people who *expect* that a common room of a tavern/inn is like that. It's not like Robert Jordan didn't get his ideas from somewhere, too... a lot of the time, it was based on real-life.

Hyperbole is a bigger issue, though. Don't overact your characters. You have something real good here, and I don't think comic relief in boys falling in fountains is necessary. If you want him wet, have him staring at her and not paying attention, and trip into the fountain instead (for example). That's at least more natural of someone staring at an oddity.

Speaking of which, why are the Dronari gawked at? You never really explain why. You mention their skin, hair, and height as being somewhat un-normal, but there's got to be more than that. Were they beaten in a war and driven off? Are they generally slaves of some sort? Or do they have something more unnatural about them than different hair and being taller? I just feel like I'm missing something there.

So, I think it's pretty good. I like the steampunk-ish atmosphere (I hope you're going for that), and the magic system seems simple to grasp, although I will start to nitpick on how it works if I don't see some deeper explanations in the next couple chapters. Given that you're using magic to solve problems, you'd better have some hard and fast rules on its limitations, or I'll wonder why your character doesn't start doing overpowered things with it. :) Keep up the good work.

Reading Excuses / Re: March 1 -Argas - Heaven's Call Chapter 1-2
« on: March 02, 2010, 10:28:27 AM »
So, I'm going to make my triumphant return from a deluge of work to haze the new people. You're first. :)

The absolute biggest problem I had with this was the jumping around. As LTU said, you just start to get interested in a character, and they disappear. This makes it very hard later on to get attached to people, and it makes it very hard up front to figure out who the main characters are. I figure Matherly is one of them, simply because she shows up more fairly often.

Matherly... I can't get a good impression of her. She seems to capitulate quickly. I feel like you're dragging her through the events rather than letting her experience them. For instance, her argument with Garis. She goes from defiance to meek acceptance in two paragraphs, but I have no idea why she might have done so. I know I'd certainly be more than a little miffed at having to up and move out because one of my students turned psycho. They can drag me out kicking and screaming!

The dialog... no, I shouldn't go there. Anyone on this forum who has read my submissions knows I absolutely suck at it. I don't know that I had as much problem with it, accept for the cliched-ness of some of it ("How dare you accuse me of such a thing."). However, I will note that you're missing some exclamations. You have one in the entire submission. I would hazard a guess that arguing doesn't tend to happen in calm tones. And I do know how to argue! :D

I'm going to only partially agree with LTU on the clothing bit. Garis is wearing white robes, as illustrated on pages 2 and 3, and Esavir has a coat of some sort. Still, he illustrates part of a bigger problem. There's very little scene description at all. What does the temple look like? What's the weather outside? Is there anything going on in the streets of Tenacre, or is it deserted, as it appears now? The only time you describe something at all is when it's being acted upon. An example would be the tea in Matherly's house. A lot of the submission I was having to really guess at what things looked like. Visualization is one of my strong points, and it's something I tend to point out a lot. Going off the terms used (Duchy, lots of tea), I too get a sense of Victorian era, but without any description on buildings (besides that they're either brick, or wood-and-brick) and such, it's rather hard to accurately place it.

So, I think what this piece needs is some expanding. Show us more of this world you want to immerse us in. You have an interesting hook with Alvis killing his mother. I don't know why, and neither does anyone else it seems like. So, I want to find out why.

Reading Excuses / Re: Jan 4th - The Sword of Worlds - CH 19 - Kail
« on: January 20, 2010, 10:59:43 PM »
Some people (and I speak from experience, here) did not get to experience that unbridled passion of youth... however, I can at least *understand* it. I have not read most of the rest of this story, so I can't comment on previous chapters with them, but to me, it seems "alright". Love at first sight is a common (and stupid, generally) thing, but humans prove time and time again that we're plenty capable of stupid things. :)

Now, one feeling I kinda got from the beginning of the chapter was that Kajsa wanted him for a little more than the horizontal boogy. "...and then you'll be mine." I believe was the quote (or thereabouts). That signifies a more controlling relationship, instead of "...and then we can be together". The thought that crept into my mind immediately (since I haven't read previous encounters) is that she was a demon of some sort, and they had a contract. "I'll help you now, but later, your soul is mine!"

Reading Excuses / Re: Email List + Submission Dates
« on: January 16, 2010, 09:09:07 PM »
 LTU and Cynic, too, methinks. I might actually have some work to do critiquing next week. :)

I'd actually pointed out that very same fact that I wouldn't expect Jalean to wait six years to put Jin on the chopping block either (I don't blame you for missing it--my walls of text sometimes drone on and on and on...).

My guess is that Burm hasn't been sold because he's more useful there as a trainer/thug than in someone else's house. She's making money on him by having a good trainer. Or maybe he gives sexual favors....

Reading Excuses / Re: Email List + Submission Dates
« on: January 14, 2010, 04:30:31 AM »
Don't you usually get *on* your butt to write? Or are you one of those really unique people that writes while standing? :)

Reading Excuses / Re: Email List + Submission Dates
« on: January 13, 2010, 11:00:52 AM »
I'd imagine so... I suppose that's what you get when you start giving tough love to Chaotic things and then tell very cynical/sarcastic people like me on forums about it. :)

So when do we get the long, unbiased  story? I'm pretty sure Chaos is embellishing things a bit. :D

Reading Excuses / Re: Jan. 11th - Chaos - Rebirth, Chapter 7
« on: January 13, 2010, 07:13:38 AM »
Since you're a week late, I shall eviscerate with much gusto.

As a chapter, this is certainly much more presentable than your last. Quite a bit more actually happens, and I get a sense that a plot might actually be moving now.

However, it's more fun to focus on faults than to shower you with praise and make your head explode. So, on that note...

My first big issue here is probably a little bit of the same thing LTU had. You have a magical prodigy for a main character, and honestly, I have a hard time believing that he would grasp all of the knowledge you show he did so quickly. Now sure, I'm aware that death is a pretty good motivator to learn things, but the way you present it doesn't lend to "accidental discovery" of magical prowess. It's cold and calculating. I think it's because his mental concentration and observational capabilities are very acute, given his condition. He also has the Nashe there as an impromptu teacher, but it still doesn't seem like he could build his understanding this quickly.

I'm going to agree and disagree with LTU's problems with the setting. Part of the problem I've seen so far is that I'm not *sure* of a lot of the setting. It's this vague blur around sharply defined characters, like a lens with a low depth of field. For instance, in this chapter, I see a cathedral that's a quarter burned down, a man made square tunnel with stone-like walls, and a tall, wide, dark infirmary with a lot of people in it.  The next scene is described as... the imperial district. That's it. Even my imagination has trouble filling in that much setting detail. I'm pretty sure I berated you about this in the Nerida chapter, as well.

On the other hand, "originality" is difficult to do with setting. Forests are forests, seas are seas, medieval cities are exactly that. That's not to say you can't have distinguishing characteristics (like the ash falling in Mistborn), but by and large, they're all going to be similar. With magicians, you have two real types: learned mages, which generally requires some sort of school, and the so-called wild mages that learn on their own. Most books end up having both, to some extent (men vs women in WOT, for example). There's nothing *wrong* with having a main character as a prodigy... they're very likely going to be more interesting than a barely competent mage who will forever be stuck in the school trying to get the basics down. Just so long as your entire cast isn't the Cerebrant A-Team. (And I have to defend you to some extent, considering I have a decently advanced mage for one of my main characters, too.)

I guess what we're probably missing is the immersion. A lot of your world remains completely unexplained and in the dark. Granted, I wouldn't want you to rewrite it into a giant setting info-dump, either, but most people as they're moving throughout the world make observations on the world around them. Yours generally don't, so we can't look through their eyes very easily.

Beyond that little tirade, I have two smaller issues. One is with Medora. She keeps popping in and out of the picture, without much attention given to her. "Here I am, hear me roar!" and then she's gone again. A lot of stuff seems to have happened in the background that just got glossed over. That may not be true, but I *feel* that way. Three chapters ago she was struggling with putting together a plan, and now, it's already in motion (and not even from her POV, but from Haiden's). We need more from her if she's going to be important. I want to see her transition from klutzy idiot to confident.

The second small issue I have is with the confirmation. I find it really odd that something that would decline Haiden would then accept an imposter without so much as a second glance. It just feels... wrong. I don't really know how to even describe it. I get the feeling that the whole ceremony is a load of crap, but I don't sense that any of your characters feel that way. Why would Haiden himself think that he could get an impostor in when he failed?

And in my opinion, Dragon Age sold well because there aren't any other decent RPGs on the market right now. That's not to say it's bad... and it does have quite a bit of setting, although it feels like D&D meets Resident Evil.

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