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Messages - Morderkaine

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Brandon Sanderson / Re: Mistborn 3 Annotations Discussion *Spoilers*
« on: November 23, 2009, 07:38:13 AM »
I do agree that hemalurgic endowment is a kind of human "hacking" but what the "hack" does is in-bed the Preservation from one person's soul into another's and so it could then be passed on to the spiked person's descendent's. As for the for the diminished power, I believe that is a result of the interaction between Ruin and Preservation's powers as in order to transfer that bit of Preservation from one person to another it must first be contained by Ruin's power.

Also, regarding my previous post, I was right about inquisitors not breeding true. In his most recent annotation, chapter 40, Brandon said:
The Inquisitors were always so determined to catch the skaa [mistings]. So passionate. With good reason, for that was the only means by which their race—and Inquisitors are a separate race, just like the koloss and the kandra—could perpetuate itself.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Thoughts about Warbreaker (Could be spoilers)
« on: November 23, 2009, 03:40:53 AM »
The thought of awakening a small object, or just storing one breath in and object, and then reclaiming afterwards also occurred to me but I chalked it up to Vivenna's inexperience with awakening and/or her wanting to guarantee she kept her original breath. As for the Returned getting their weekly breath from children instead of the weak/sick/aged/poor/dying probably has something to do with the whole idea of virgin sacrifice and the innocence of children.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Mistborn 3 Annotations Discussion *Spoilers*
« on: November 23, 2009, 03:27:10 AM »
A hemalurgic spike works by stealing the little bit of Preservation within a person's soul and splicing it into another's, granting specific abilities depending on the abilities of the sacrifice and the placement in the recipient. Since the ability to use allomancy is directly proportional to the amount of Preservation in one's soul, no matter how it got there, and the inborn level of Preservation in a person is a function of their parents levels at the time of conceiving, the children of Inquisitors would be almost guaranteed some allomantic ability, and possibly feruchemical ability as well. That is assuming, of course, that Inquisitors breed true, after all, we only know of one hemalurgic creation that breeds true, the Kandra, and even they don't breed completely true. Given this I believe that the number of spikes effects the ability to reproduce, the more spikes a creature posses the less likely it is to breed true but we will need to meet more hemalurgic creations to confirm this as right now we only have three: 1) Kandra with two spikes who breed somewhat true, Mistwraiths as opposed to Kandra, 2) Koloss with four spikes and don't breed true and, 3) Inquisitors with eleven plus spikes and probably don't breed true.

fixed a small spelling mistake

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Official Typos Thread -- All of Brandon's books
« on: October 23, 2009, 10:38:05 AM »
Major inconsistency in the Mistborn trilogy regarding Steel inquisitors and their spikes.

In Mistborn: The Final Empire Marsh says that all Steel Inquisitors have the same 11 spikes.
Quote from: Mistborn: The Final Empire, page 637
"Two in the head, eight in the chest, one in the back to seal them together"
Later on, during the opening scenes of Mistborn: The Hero of Ages, Vin and Elend are examining the body of a Steel Inquisitor they have just killed and they discover an extra tenth spike.
Quote from: Mistborn: The Hero of Ages, page 45
She nodded, "That makes ten spikes. Two through the eyes and one through the shoulders: all steel. Six through the ribs: two steel, four bronze. Now this, a pewter one."

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