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Movies and TV / Re: BSG Season 4 -Spoilerific!
« on: April 26, 2008, 04:13:21 AM »
So what was up with everyone seeing imaginary Head Six holding up Baltar without seeing Six? So Baltar is not halucinating Head Six, just no one else can see her?

So many questions.

And next week looks like Mutany on the Bounty, but in space.

Movies and TV / Re: BSG Season 4 -Spoilerific!
« on: April 19, 2008, 04:22:42 AM »
We all know that when they get to Earth it will be populated with sentient apes who use humans as slaves. Duh!

But right now I'm so sad that Cally died. Saw it coming, but it was still hard to watch.

Also, the civil war heating up between the cylons is crazy. The 1s are evil. Though I'm wondering if they just wiped out a bunch of the 6s, 8s and 2s.

Rants and Stuff / Re: Happy Things 2008:Generation X [part deux]
« on: April 18, 2008, 04:04:01 AM »
Hey, congrats! That's quite cool. (Uh...I didn't even know you were writing...)

I defy your preconcieved notions of what I do in my spare time. ;)

Rants and Stuff / Re: Happy Things 2008:Generation X [part deux]
« on: April 17, 2008, 02:46:35 AM »
I got honorable mention in Writers of the Future 2nd Quarter. It's better than I had expected.

Movies and TV / Re: Doctor Who Series 4 Spoilers
« on: April 17, 2008, 12:27:42 AM »
I don't think Dr. Who has ever tried to have good science. Maybe when it first started, but it's really a lot more fantasy than science fiction.

Movies and TV / Re: Doctor Who Series 4 Spoilers
« on: April 15, 2008, 03:04:55 AM »
I really need to catch this. Sadly, I missed too much of the last season.

It always seem to come on at odd times, but mostly I just haven't bothered watching epsisodes over the internet yet.

Books / Re: Discuss
« on: April 15, 2008, 02:59:33 AM »
In the end, I love the fact that books are sort of self regulating. If you pick one up and don't like what you see, put it down. Turn the page. It's up to you. If you don't like a certain author, don't read him/her again.

Well said. There are a number of books/series I haven't finished. I decided I didn't like what I was reading, so I just stopped. In all honestly, the same can be said for a lot of media. There are movies I never finished and songs that I've abandoned because I decided the content wasn't for me.

Isn't that kind of backwards? I mean you don't want to read or watch something offensive but you stop reading or stop watching after it's already offended you? Once the damage is done you can't really go back. Putting down the book or stop watching the movie...does that really make things better?

It's kind of like drinking spoiled milk. You could drink some of it to see if it makes you sick or you could look on the experation date to see if it's gone bad.

Movies and TV / Re: BSG Season 4 -Spoilerific!
« on: April 14, 2008, 03:35:57 AM »
The current population count of humanity is at 39,676. The human race isn't going to survive too long with those numbers. Season 1 started with 49,998. There was drop of over 6,000 in season 3. They could maybe recoup from that if humanity found a safe place to live and started having lots of children without a lot of genetic problems. They may have to resort to some genetic engineering.

Yup, humanity is doomed.

Mostly, I just see that there needs to be a lot more unity among the survivors to actually rebuild society. There is far too much insanity and rebellion (often Cylon assisted) going on for that to happen.

Movies and TV / Re: BSG Season 4 -Spoilerific!
« on: April 13, 2008, 05:35:04 PM »
I'm actually surprised more people haven't gone crazy on the show. Considering the situation these characters are in, most people would have lost their minds from the stress a long time ago. Seriously, it's now been years that these characters have been daily struggling against dying from many, many sources.

Books / Re: Discuss
« on: April 12, 2008, 07:05:29 AM »
Becoming informed is a good solution other than the time it takes. Having to research a book before reading it is a great way to find out about the book. Course to be honest, a lot of entertainment reading isn't done for enlightenment or want to learn new ideas. It's to be entertained and people vary a lot on what they find entertaining. It's a lot easier and time saving to be able to exclude something because it doesn't have an appealing rating.

Also, ratings are fluid. They are also rather political entities. Course the general population places some faith in content ratings for movies in such because parts of the population feels it betters their lives. Much like money, which is also fluid. Money works by public trust and political power. Some people abuse that trust and political power. Some people also don't have a lot of faith in the current monetary system. And money does restrict freedom for a lot of people. Still as a society we aren't about to get rid of money because of the benefits it offers.

Movies and TV / Re: BSG Season 4 -Spoilerific!
« on: April 12, 2008, 06:52:35 AM »
Aargh! Cylon society is being torn apart.

I'm also worried that Cally will die in the next episode. No more corn muffin goodness for Galactica.

Also, somehow Baltar has left Caprica Six's head and entered his own head which is far more disturbing than anything else they could of done.

Movies and TV / Re: BSG Season 4 -Spoilerific!
« on: April 11, 2008, 03:18:52 AM »
Not Roselin!!!

Books / Re: Discuss
« on: April 11, 2008, 03:05:31 AM »
An author has to think about who will be reading what he/she writes. Authors that work professionally sell to particular audiences that they understand well. They know what that audience whats to read and what that audience doesn't want to read.

It's kind of an elementary rule of writing: know your audience.

Authors get in trouble when they end up writing to the wrong audience.

So in a lot of ways, content ratings would help authors understand their audience better.

I would say that visual mediums are more likely to stick in one's mind. Music, while not visual, also has tremendous ability to stick in one's mind. How much prose do you have memorized, compared to how much music you have memorized?

Memorization works through three processes: repetition, emotional context, and connection to previously stored memory.
There is an argument that music or visuals help memorization, but that is yet to be proven. Memory is linked to cultural factors as well as individual learning styles and is greatly influenced by developmental and environmental effects. Personality may also play a role. So what sticks in one's mind is highly subjective.

One of my big arguments for rating systems comes from working with adults. Many adults who have been convicted of sexual crimes are aroused more quickly by music, visuals, or words that are suggestive than an unconvicted person (usually). When working with adults who suffer from sexual addictions it is important to help those adults gain control of their environment so they are less likely to commit other offenses. Content ratings can greatly improve the livelyhood for these individuals as they learn to more responsible. ANd for some content ratings will probably encourage worse behavior.

Basically, there is no base-line in human behavior to what a person (child or adult) can handle. Some people are very resilient and others are very fragile. There is an average and, of course, lots of outliers.

Books / Re: Discuss
« on: April 10, 2008, 01:17:43 AM »
Let me chime in for a bit.

Having a content rating is not censorship. If it is then every book critic in the industrial world is guilty of censorship. While it is likely that public schools may not allow some books with certain content ratings into their libraries; that may not always be the case.

To reiterate what just about everyone has said, people like to know what is in book before reading it. Content ratings could help with that.

Question, why does is matter how visual the medium is? Music has no visual elements, but it can have an explicit lyrics content rating.

Movies and TV / Re: BSG Season 4 -Spoilerific!
« on: April 09, 2008, 02:55:05 PM »
I'm kind of expecting that finding out who is the final cylon model will be more of a revelation and less of a surprise (if that makes sense). I just hoping it's a satisfying revelation.

Also, the seems to be a lot more male cylon models than female cylon models. Why is this?

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