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Messages - Omelethead

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Brandon Sanderson / Re: Hopes/Predictions/Wild Theories for Book 2
« on: September 11, 2010, 04:53:43 AM »
Szeth would wipe the floor with Kaladin. Kaladin will have to do a lot of testing and practicing before he figures out what he can do, let alone refines it.

I can see Szeth going for Dalinar while Kaladin is trying not to use his powers in front of or any lighteyes. Szeth will wound Kaladin, count him out but not finish him off because he doesn't want to kill unnecessarily, and Kaladin will surprise him with fast healing/primitive Surgebinding. Enough to maybe drive Szeth off, but nothing serious. Kaladin will learn from Szeth's moves.

Would like to see more of Renarin too.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: WoK: Bridge Crews & Bridges
« on: September 10, 2010, 11:00:55 PM »
Isn't soulcasting considered to be incredibly holy by Vorinism? It seems like using it for war might violate their beliefs.

And the Soulcast barracks?

Brandon Sanderson / Re: WoK: Bridge Crews & Bridges
« on: September 10, 2010, 03:56:05 PM »
Why didn't they Soulcast permanent bridges across the chasms? They mentioned briefly that the Parshendi were pulling down or burning some of the wooden permanent ones. Stone ones have got to last longer. It seems they could spread out farther, go longer without needing the mobile bridges. They'd still likely need the mobile bridges for the final assault (especially if they want bait).

They can't be worried about giving the Parshendi an easy path to the warcamps since the Parshendi can just hop across chasms with no bridges needed.

They could Soulcast permanent bridges as wide and as thick as they need. It might be expensive, but surely the speed benefit would help them get more gemhearts to balance out. They could even Soulcast over entire chasms, and make outposts out on the plateaus. Yes, they'd be less protected from the highstorms, and more vulnerable to Parshendi raids, but they could Soulcast stronger barracks and fill the outposts with the equivalent of bridgemen - scum, criminals and rejects who need someplace to go and die.

Perhaps Dalinar as the new Highprince of War will commission Soulcast bridges?

Yep, this was my impression, but I don't think Dalinar got it yet.
However, this may exclude the parshendi/parshmen if they are voidbringers/minions of odium.

Perhaps love and acceptance are the keys to defeating them.


Brandon Sanderson / Re: Official Typos Thread -- All of Brandon's books
« on: September 09, 2010, 04:52:51 AM »
Here are some I wrote down from WoK. I hope they all make sense. They're all from my hardcover copy I got at the BYU release.

Page 197: "You're doing well with your command son," Dalinar said, nodding to a group of soldiers at they passed and saluted. (Should be as)

Page 207: The archers continued to fire, and more than a few of their shafts bristled form the chasmfiend's face. (Should be from)

Page 251: Oddly, he noticed a group older boys gathering... (Needs an of between "group" and "older")

Page 416: The longer her worked (her should be he)

Page 584: Was it angry at being forced belong the horizon? (below)

Page 624 He [Amaram] sighed, glancing back at Amaram. (Should be Roshone)

Page 704: The glyphs, reversed, read sas nahn. ("sas" isn't italicized)

Page 731: Dalinar He caught up to the Radiants... (Either "Dalinar" or "He" needs to go)

745: He looked up with as Kaladin... (Either "with" needs to go, or something like "with desperation" or "with hope" or something needs to be put in)

750: ...he grabbed the vegetable disk between two fingers and began eat. (Maybe "eating", but more likely "to eat")

850: ... gripping the stone railing, leading forward. (leaning)

903: He stood up, meaning to gather some men to carry Moash and Teft... (Moash wasn't hurt, Skar was. Kaladin even takes Moash with him a few paragraphs later.)

931: Dalinar climbed down, trying to get to the Parshendi while he was still. (This one might not be a mistake, but it felt like it should read "while he was still down.")

I thought it was pretty clear by the end that "Unite them" meant mankind. All of Roshar.

I could be wrong though.

Glad I asked then. That sounds good.

I just have one dumb question to ask after seeing the new rules. I assume the line will be in place all day, and as new people come, they'll pick up a number and get in line. They can take quick breaks throughout the day, but they have to be in line at 9:00. My brother wonders if we can't just pick up a number, then leave, as long as we're in line before 9:00.

So uh, do we have to wait in line all day, or can we just grab our tickets and spend the day partying in Provo?

Right now, I'd love to be wrong.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: New metal idea
« on: August 23, 2010, 09:34:01 PM »
Heh, yeah, I just checked the table. My bad.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: New metal idea
« on: August 23, 2010, 04:46:31 PM »
Having all these different Larasium alloys adds loads to the table of allomantic metals, who's to say they would do anything? GIving somebody the ability to burn copped by giving them something made of two components one of which would give the ability to burn all metals doesn't really make much sense....
We do  have the word of god on this. Alloys of Lerasium change someone into a misting.

Do we? Because the last I heard, it was never directly confirmed. Larasium alloys were thought to make mistings, but it was still just speculation. I do agree, it does seem to be the best and most likely explanation. I'm just hesitant to base a lot of my assumptions off of it, because when it gets shot down, all that theorizing is moot ;D.

But I could be wrong. Do you mind letting me know where this was confirmed? Or at least pointing me in the right direction (Q&A, annotation, a specific thread)?

Brandon Sanderson / Re: [Spoilers] Just finished Mistborn... confused
« on: August 11, 2010, 11:26:27 PM »
Brandon's RAFO'd it, but I'm sure there is some sort of other effect.

Interesting. Now I'm trying to think what it could do.  ???

And this begs the question: Are there Larasium-mistings? We've obviously seen mistings for the other God Metal (that's what spawned this whole discussion ;D). And we've seen mistings that get no benefit whatsoever from their metals (Aluminum and Duralumin Gnats), so it should be possible. Although I suppose they could just eat a bead, wait for it to kick in and make them a full Mistborn, then burn any others. And it is all hypothetical, since I doubt anyone will ever get their hands on that much Larasium anyway.

Atium can act like Hemalurgic wild card and can be substituted for any spike, I'm fairly certain.

I believe you, but do you know where this is said? I'd like to see what else was said on the subject. If you can't remember where, that's fine.

I do believe that it is confirmed. I don't have a link for you, so feel free to say [citation needed] ;) But I do believe that Preservation did it for those reasons.

All right. I wanted to see what else was confirmed or discussed along with the Cadmium replacement, but I'll live.

As far as I can remember, the "Larasium Alloys make Mistings" theory was being treated as fact, but then discovered to not have been directly confirmed anywhere. It's an extremely likely theory, but still a theory, last I checked.


I like how you say that as if I'm some kind of authority on the subject.  Which I'm really not.

;D Well, your explanation sounded plausible enough to me, mainly since it didn't involve Preservation making any overhauls on his magic system, just him changing the way the mistsickness worked to try to send a message to Elend.

And since I just copy+pasted your text, I wanted to give you credit and let other people see where I grabbed it from, but I didn't bother to get the Quote-link that the site can provide.

I actually brought up the atium burning issue in another topic.  I have the same problem with it you do.

Oh really? Did you get any satisfactory answers?

Well, didn't some of the soldiers die from the mistsickness?  I'm assuming that those might have been the mistborn.  A shame they died, but it's not like Preservation could fine tune the mists for them.

I guess they could have been Mistborn, but I don't think so, personally. More likely people who were unable to bear the attempted Snapping for some other reason. Things like heart or lung defects, the old and the young, people who were already sick with some other normal disease, or whatever else. They just couldn't handle the stress of the mistsickness.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: [Spoilers] Just finished Mistborn... confused
« on: August 11, 2010, 09:43:27 PM »
It's important to note that people don't actually burn lerasium. Elend never burned lerasium, he ingested it, which gave him a permanent link to Preservation (ie: making him an Allomancer). This is separate from actually burning lerasium as an Allomancer. When you burn lerasium, that doubles your Allomantic power.

A subtle difference, I know, but an important one.

Wow. I didn't know that. That does change things. That actually really helps. I'd always assumed that since everyone had a greater part of Preservation than Ruin in them, they instinctively recognized Larasium enough to Allomantically burn it. Almost as if Larasium did most of the burning for them. I didn't know that ingesting it was enough.

So do we know why people don't get some power out of simply ingesting atium?

Atium spikes actually steal any power (if used in the correct positions, of course) ;)

Didn't know this either. I don't suppose you know if atium has it's own correct position do you? Or do you simply substitute it for any other spike? Can a atium spike imbued with an Allomantic physical metal power be inserted in a pewter-point?

I wouldn't be surprised if you don't know though. I don't think we know enough of about Hemalurgy to make any kind of accurate guess.

It's cadmium because it and its alloy take the Temporal External Metals slot on the Table of Allomantic Metals. Preservation also chose cadmium because it's rarer on Scadrial.

But again, has this been confirmed, or is it just assumed? I know in the books they thought Atium to be a Temporal External Metal, but is that why we think Preservation chose Cadmium to ignore in favor of Atium, or is it stated in a Q&A or annotation somewhere?

My understanding of this (and I think this comes from an annotation, but it may also just be me making stuff up) is that what all the people called "atium" was not really atium.  It was cadmium, and everyone was using the wrong name.  The actual atium, which is the body of Ati (the shard) is something else.

Therefore, there are correctly 16 sets of mistings, and in addition to that, there are the two god metals, atium and larasium.

No, cadmium performs an effect very distinct to the atium we see in the books. Reading from my Table, "Burning cadmium subtly Pulls on time in a bubble around the Allomancer, stretching it and making it pass more slowly." This is not what ever happens when one burns atium.

Yeah, I agree here. People were using atium the whole time, they just thought it to be another basic metal (and malatium it's alloy), and didn't know it was a God Metal.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: [Spoilers] Just finished Mistborn... confused
« on: August 11, 2010, 07:17:41 PM »
I'm reading as:

Preservation replaced Cadmium with Atium... not just in the Allomancy table but throughout the world, meaning Cadmium isn't actually a metal in the first 3 books, but will be in future. The effect is similar, Atium shows you the future and Cadmium lets them slow down time, so it almost fits. Anyone who was an Atium misting became a Cadmium misting when Sazed remade the world, I guess...

That is a major restructuring of his power. It would involve replacing a basic metal with a God Metal, and removing any power at all from Cadmium or it's alloy. I don't think that's what happened.

No, it seems people are saying that Preservation just ignored Cadmium-mistings when he sent the mistsickness (though I'm not sure what he did with Cerrobend-mistings), and Snapped the atium-mistings instead.

Fireborn even said:
This didn't alter the structure of allomancy at all, just the perception of it.

I just don't understand how Atium-mistings exist at all. And we know they existed before the mistsickness returned, because the Lord Ruler was testing certain Obligators for a long time before the end of his reign.

I thought Mistborn would've been better but if you think about it, 16 metals + a chance of Mistborn would give 17 and that doesn't fit properly. I suppose potential Mistborn can't be Snapped/affected by mistsickness.

No, that's 16 different types of mistings, plus a much smaller group who have access to the 16 basic metals. It doesn't break the 16-rule to me, since you can just as easily consider Mistborn to be mistings, just all 16 types of mistings in one.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: [Spoilers] Just finished Mistborn... confused
« on: August 11, 2010, 05:59:52 PM »
When it comes to the logic behind the mistfallen, atium replaces cadmium for the purposes of the mistsickness.

I'm not sure I follow.  Elaborate.
Preservation operates by using the number 16 to show what is his influence.  So when the mists started snapping people in HoA, an equal portion of those people became a misting of each metal.  This left Preservation with a problem, he needed there to be atium mistings, but adding that into the mix would make 17 types of mistings instead of his preferred number of 16 to let Elend know what was going on.  So he, for the purposes of the mistsickness, replaced cadmium with atium because nobody knew about cadmium.  That let there be 1/16th of those taken by the mistsickness be atium mistings, or the mistfallen, so that Elend would clue into the pattern and have his super awesome army at the end.  This didn't alter the structure of allomancy at all, just the perception of it.

But how do atium-mistings exist in the first place? That messes up Preservation's magic number of 16 anyway, making it so there are 17 different types of mistings. And there are no specific Larasium-mistings, everyone and anyone can burn Larasium.

I get that Atium and Larasium are God metals, so the normal rules don't necessarily apply. I also understand that the God metals are powerful enough that they can be used in their opponent's magic system. The possibility of a Larasium spike being used to steal a certain power (or, IMO, all powers) from a victim doesn't bother me. And since Feruchemy can use Atium to store and tap age, I'd assume Larasium-minds are possible, which again, is completely fine.

But how can there be Allomancers who can use nothing but atium? These are people who were born with the correct genetic coding to allow them to burn metals to gain access to a small part of the power of Preservation. And yet, they use their Preservation power to burn Ruin, and nothing else?

No, to me, it doesn't seem to fit that there is a small subset of people in Preservation's magic system who don't use Preservation's power at all. If it was just mistborn, fine. They are so Allomantically gifted they can use the other God metal. If it was said that all mistings can burn their one basic metal, and atium too, I'd accept that. That would just mean that burning atium Allomantically requires some small bit of Allomantic potential. Even if it was set up so that anyone in the world, regardless of their Allomantic ability or lack of it, could burn atium, I'd accept that. It would fit in with Larasium just fine there. But to make it so that a small group exists that can exclusively burn atium confuses me.

And, why did Preservation not reveal any full-out Mistborn in Elend's army? Why not make all the Mistborn sick for 16 days instead of the Seers? They could have gotten rid off all the atium stockpile just as well, and killed more Koloss in the process.

And everyone here keeps referring to Cadmium as the metal replaced by atium for the purposes of Preservation's mistsickness. Is this just an example, or are we told anywhere that Cadmium specifically was replaced? How do we know it wasn't Nicrosil or Bendalloy that was substituted. Or the aluminum or duralumin gnats? Is there a quote that shows Preservation substituted atium mistings into the mistfallen? Or is that just speculation?

It is a pretty graphic and disturbing , but I've heard that Way of Kings was going to be a bit darker than his other books. Could be wrong though.

Perhaps it won't be done to a person, but an animal or a monster? Thunderclasts maybe? Although for some reason it seems to me that they are probably immune to Lashing. I don't know why.

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