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Messages - JCHancey

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Brandon Sanderson / Re: Ruin and Preservation
« on: June 17, 2008, 11:44:06 PM »
Tensoon states to Vin that you are of ruin... I think that he is not referring to the human race but could be referring to the mistborn.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Ruin and Preservation
« on: June 15, 2008, 08:36:09 AM »
Forgive me first of all if I'm restating anything, just read the Hermalurgy forum thing and found myself quite excited about this theory

Pertaining to Ruin or Preservation being released.. I think that he didn't release them, just switched them out, and what was in the mists already (when LR went to WoA) was Ruin. In the books I think (sorry, don't have them on me  :-\) it states the the LR changed the land, that would not be Preservation, but Ruin. By attempting to kill off all the Terris Keepers (Preserving histories in their metalminds) would also be Ruin.  So I guess what I'm trying to say is that Ruin was in the mists, LR goes to well, switches them, brief control over Ruin, makes the world to his liking, but also to Ruins.
The mists must be an entity to be controlled by either Preservation or Ruin. I would say that the mists are the container for Ruin or Preservation, whichever is not in the WoA. When LR took the power, he wasn't releasing anything, just switching them out. With that he took Ruin out of the mists, into the well, and partly into himself, and released Preservation into the mists. I guess that would also mean that the LR himself was the key to unlock the WoA and allow the Hero (perverted by the ideas of Ruin) to release Ruin into the world. Hence when Vin killed LR both Ruin and Preservation were fighting for control of the mists. In the well they can't do anything other than contact with people who are Hemalurgists. When Vin went into the WoA she released Ruin. Trouble there is that she released it with Preservation in the world already. That would explain the random killings, nothing on the scale we see back during the Deepness. Both Preservation and Ruin are out there now, fighting for control of the one thing they can control not being in the WoA, the mists.
Summary: LR goes into WoA, switches Preservation out of WoA for Ruin, becomes the key to allowing Ruin to "touch" hermalugists, Vin goes into WoA and releases Ruin into the mists, now Ruin and Preservation battle royal for control.

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