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Messages - AvalonDreamer

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5 ... 19
Reading Excuses / Re: Fateshapers - Ch1
« on: December 03, 2008, 07:46:50 PM »
Thank you for your input, folks ^^ Time to continue trudging onward.

If any of you are interested in reading it for the sake of reading, I can put you on my alpha reader list; my monthly submissions are going to be my current chapter (seems kind of stupid to submit the next sequential chapter, when I'm four or five or ten ahead of that).

Reading Excuses / Re: Crashers
« on: December 02, 2008, 11:37:05 PM »
It's good. Usually I dislike the use of prologues, and this doesn't help terribly much - it has it's merit about it, but I could see how it could easily be merged into the first chapter, unless the light ends up being something important later.

Your character seems like she has a lot of potential, but I think that starting a book on a debate may not be the best way to keep the attention of the average reader, though I have to say that it's definitely better than a long narrative introduction.

The one thing that I absolutely loved was the opening line of the prologue. IT made me want to keep reading, just to find out why the world might not be blue otherwise.

Keep going, and edit out those typos. ^^

Reading Excuses / Fateshapers - Ch1
« on: December 02, 2008, 11:14:52 PM »
This is the first chapter of my attempt to rewrite one of my longest projects. Fateshapers has a place very close to my heart, and it would honor me deeply if you would be as honest as possible with your critiques and feelings on it.

Originally I intended to write this segment of the series in 5 books, then have a prequel book (a la New Spring, then pair of trilogies delving far back into the history of the world. As for anything later, I'm not sure yet. Just want to finish all of the work I've planned.

I hope you enjoy, and that this rewrite isn't slaughtering the crap out of my story. ^^

Your viewpoint character seems like he's trying for a very Hrathen/Inquisitor feel, but his whimsical nature keeps bucking me out of that feel. Like everyone else has mentioned, you give it a roman feel, but pull out the pocketwatch, which ruins the immersion - consider showing more of the other tech from the world. Things like razor-wire, axes, spears, etc. could all be from just about any tech era, so they don't add to the issue too much.

Personally, as I read past the first page or two, it got rather boring and I had to fight the compulsion to put it down. It was dry, and didn't reveal a whole heck of a lot, certainly not enough to keep my interest beyond the second or third vague mention of a religious controversy.

We get a glimpse of what could be the main conflict, but I'm still not sure what level it's at. Are we supposed to invest ourselves in the Legate's personal conflict with the methods of his fellows? Are we supposed to sympathize with the newer religion seeking to take the the world?

Reading Excuses / Re: Welcome to Reading Excuses (New readers please read)
« on: December 02, 2008, 05:09:19 AM »
This thread is going to be buried. Raethe et Chaos, you need to talk to another mod/admin about it, or see to getting your status fully changed to mod.  The fun is about to hit the fan ^^

Suggestions Box / Re: Holiday Names
« on: December 01, 2008, 10:24:38 PM »
*flexes his holiday name muscles*


Reading Excuses / Re: Submitting
« on: December 01, 2008, 04:59:08 PM »
"Reading Excuses - [username] - [date] - [title/section]"

I'd use that. Then you can just set your email to filter the phrase "Reading Excuses" into a folder.

Reading Excuses / Re: Questions, problems and ideas
« on: December 01, 2008, 04:55:36 PM »
Same here. Turned on my PDA, and it went crazy downloading all the emails and attachments into Outlook. ^^ This looks like it's going to be fun.

Reading Excuses / Re: Email List + Submission Dates
« on: December 01, 2008, 03:59:46 PM »
Mine will be being sent later today, possibly after midnight. I'm out of town and ended up without a connection that lets me upload... blegh.

Reading Excuses / Re: To those of us who use Open Office
« on: November 27, 2008, 09:51:02 PM »
Are we adverse to PDF submissions? Since readers aren't commenting and returning copies, merely posting in the forum. As for the guide, it'd be awesome to have up fairly quick here - do we need a discussion thread to work out the finer points? lol

Role-Playing Games / Re: The Wedding
« on: November 26, 2008, 07:08:51 PM »
As I finished confessing, I thought of all of the terrible things I'd done in the past few hours: the bacon allowed to spoil, the multitude of pants that sat in my closet yet unworn. Striking myself one final time with an especially leathery strip of pork, I muttered a small prayer to The-Great-Hand-Who-Shall-Reign-Down-Bacony-Judgement, and promptly felt better as I forgave myself my sins.

Cracking the door, I peered at the clock on the wall of the chapel, and saw that virtually no time had passed since I entered my confessional. Lamenting that I was so short about my revelation, I could feel his Lordship urging me to my holy duty; I checked my headdress, put on the feather-laden skull mask that I'd set aside in the room earlier, and stepped out into the chapel.

I made my way to a massive candelabra filled with purple and black candles made of rendered pork-fat, the monstrosity towering behind the altar, it's branches growing up at a split so they wreathed the image of His Greatness, and began to light the candles with my ceremonial barbecue lighter.

"Oh great Fellfrosch, he who gave unto us the sacred texts of Baconals and The Lord of the Lunatics, do bless us, your church, this day as we prepare for this most momentous occasion. Bless that your Chorus of Evil Laughter may do as we could please, bless that your finger-foods provide nourishment and not be undercooked or too rotted, and bless that this divine raiment not cause any more problems..."

As I turned around, I heard a candle fall, and felt a distinct warm feeling on the back of my head. Fell blast it...

Reading Excuses / Re: Your Background
« on: November 26, 2008, 07:51:26 AM »
I have the power to commune with the Lord of Pork.

Role-Playing Games / Re: The Wedding
« on: November 26, 2008, 12:38:44 AM »
I nodded sagely as I listened to one of the Chorus members tell me that the bride had been through recently. After a moment of thought, I remembered that the girl's name was Wilson - an odd name for a girl, that - and by the looks of the laugh she was suppressing, I assumed she was quite a zealot.

"Oh, Lord-of-the-Baconey-Infinite, thank thee for blessing us with such a proud Chorus this day." I muttered, adjusting my headdress.

Peering at the clock a moment, I marveled at the engineering genius that had designed such a device: a clock made of bacon; though it was a little hard to read, since one of the rabid altar-boys got the idea to munch on it. Thank thee, oh lord, for striking him down, and using my hand to do it.

"Keep to your practicing, you vagabonds. I want to hear some truly diabolical laughs out there, really lay the embarrassment onto whoever we find to ridicule... I'm serious, if someone forgets a vow, or trips, or the groom is silly enough to go through with it, just let it rip." I finished my oration with a bow that nearly dethroned the purple and black glory that rested on my head, then spun on my heel, and walked out into the chapel.

It was starting to fill now, a woman near the back was speaking to a lad holding a book of some sort, while yet another appeared to be eyeballing the pews with hunger. Near the back, a throng of guests was attacking our appetizers, partaking in the baconey body of His Divine Evilship.

Walking around behind the altar and the large portrait of the Oh-Great-One-Who-Doth-Grant-Us-Fried-Foods, I popped into the confessional. There were a few sins I needed to tell myself about before I'd feel clean again.

Role-Playing Games / Re: The Wedding
« on: November 25, 2008, 05:06:36 AM »
I peered around the chapel, looking into the faces of the people as they arrived, some licking the bacon-coated walls, others chewing on the pews they sat in. All in all, it was a glorious congregation. Walking stately across the dais, past the alter and the large portrait of His Awesomeness, I laid my hand on the knob of the choir room door, and braced myself.

Carefully turning the knob, I pulled the door open rapidly, darted in, and slammed it closed behind - not wanting to disturb the guests with the sounds of the Chorus. Their high-pitched demonic shrieks and yowls were like a sharpened rake being ground across one's ears, and it was... Perfect.

"Alright!" I shouted, looking up at the non-functional bacon clock and muttering a small prayer to He-Who-Enjoys-Shooting-the-Breeze-with-the-Cartoonist-and-the-Dreamer. "Do any of you foul, evil souls know where the bride and groom are? They must be anointed with the holy lard."

Role-Playing Games / Re: The Wedding
« on: November 25, 2008, 01:06:00 AM »
Standing in my office, I looked carefully in the mirror. Today was to be a big day - the first wedding in the Church of Fellfrosch that hopefully wouldn't end with someone dying of a cholesterol-induced heart-attack, or mass vomiting - and everything was to be perfect.

Picking up the large, feathered purple and black headdress from it's stand, I neatly set it on my head, and used the mirror to set it into place. As I continued setting about myself with regalia, I listened to the small din from the main chapel, and hoped that the rabid servants/altar-boys had set out the appetizers and lit the bacon incense.

Finishing my arduous preparations, I stepped out into the main chapel and took a good look around at the handful of people gathered. Never had so many graced this hall - except that one time we were mysteriously chosen to host a Fat-Losers meeting.

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