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Messages - zalasta

Pages: [1]
Brandon Sanderson / Re: Hopes/Predictions/Wild Theories for Book 2
« on: December 23, 2010, 04:25:05 PM »
I for one appreciated the (general) lack of romance in this book, this series certainly would not benefit from any unnecessary hookups or love triangles.  With that said, I thought Shallan's brief flirtatious scenes with Kabsal felt really awkward and out of character.  Navani was a disappointment, I thought she'd be as interesting as Jasnah but all she ever did was to seduce and distract Dalinar.  I sure hope she'll be more developed later on rather than seen just as a romantic interest.

The reveal about King Taravangian really did not sit well with me.  Felt too forced to elevate a rather minor character all of a sudden to the big bad brain of the operation.  Another thing that need to be rectify in the future.

Food for thought: Is Shallan potentially the most powerful of all of the characters we've seen so far?  She has a shardblade and can soulcast.  Granted she has no training in either, but having both abilities certainly gives her an edge.  Szeth is probably the only person on par since he also has a shardblade and can surgebind.

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