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Messages - Hearttlight

Pages: [1]
Brandon Sanderson / Re: Quality of Wok book
« on: September 04, 2010, 04:19:30 PM »
Mine's beautiful. I like cuddling it.  :-* Every now and then, people have to slap me, 'cause I'm just hypnotically staring it the beautiful book.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Way of Kings
« on: September 01, 2010, 04:04:20 PM »
Aww! Thanks for the tip! Hadn't heard of it. Cancelled my order, though. Going on a trip to Amsterdam tomorrow, because WoK is in stock there.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Way of Kings
« on: September 01, 2010, 10:11:25 AM »
I'm getting pretty irritated now. For some reason, the website where I order all my books doesn't get the concept of pre-ordering. Happened with Gathering Storms, where I didn't have my book four days after release and I made a trip to the other side of the country to get it (two days later, they sent it anyway, so I now have two hardcover copy's of tGS). And it's happening again. Still no WoK. And I want it. I need it. I long for it! *runs around screaming, waving his arms*

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Other Writers Like Brandon?
« on: September 01, 2010, 09:38:03 AM »
Well yeah, they actually are opposites. But even with opposites, there are those basic elements that are quite the same, and it are those elements I totally love about both of them.

First, there's the scope of the world. Though both Name of the Wind and Brandon's books (up 'till WoK, that is), mostly take place in one or two cities, there's a feeling that the world is huge and, in a sense, real.

Then there's the characters. The way you get to meet someone who is quite new to the world he or she lives in, but are instantly intrigued by them. The depth of characters is really similar. Also, though they are all kind of new and naive, they are also quite brilliant, and always seem to shine in their new situations.

Third, there is the magic-system. In most books, I find the magic-system to be quite boring and limited. There's always just one system that, after reading a hundred pages, is pretty clear to you. (Yes, that's even true for WoT.) Both Name of the Wind and Brandon's books have multiple, inventive, and out of the ordinary magic-systems.

And last, both writers are simply amazing and sweep you into their story before you even notice what's happening. Preferably in the first three pages.

On a side note, what I read (in the preview chapters) about Kaladin so far, reminded me a whole lot of Kvothe!

Site News / Re: Introduce yourself - right on!
« on: August 31, 2010, 10:03:32 PM »
I actually wasn't planning to post anywhere but on the Brandon Sanderson forums, but I guess that isn't very polite, so it's time to introduce myself here!

My name is Stephan. I'm 25 years old and live in Heerde, in The Netherlands. Having said that, this would also be the time to point out that my English is pretty awful and excuse myself for all future misunderstandings due to that fact.  ;)

Planning to post on the Brandon Sanderson forums mostly, quite gives away the fact that I love fantasy. Actually, I enjoy reading in general. Mostly fantasy, though, and a Star Wars novel every now and again. Also dreaming of becoming an author in the future. Been busy writing books since I was eight. Though, for now, only for myself and my closest friends to read. Sharpening my skills, working on my creativity.

I'm in my final year of studying Communication & Design and hope to find a job in marketing next year. I also love doing webdesign, which pretty much supports my studies, right now.

For now, that's all the basic info you need to know about me, I guess (man, I hate introductions!  ;D), but I'm sure there's a lot more you'll learn about me in the future, as I'm planning to visit these forums regularly! I'm hoping to have a nice time here, and get to know you guys as well. See you around!

Brandon Sanderson / Re: How did you find out about Brandon Sanderson?
« on: August 31, 2010, 08:28:11 PM »
It did? Awesome! Hadn't noticed yet! Well, that's a start then. Do you know if there are any plans to translate any of the other books to Dutch, Peter?

The blur on the other hand could just as well have been Syl watching Kaladin close when things became interesting.

I do wonder, can anyone see Syl? I mean, if I remember correctly, Kaladin says that most people can see her kind and that they are common, but why doesn't anyone else see Syl? Does she choose to be seen, or is thát his magic? Like the magic in Deverry (if anyone even read those?).

Bah. I feel so evil knowing everything going on, well, as much as can be known from book one. I have the power to tease, and am having trouble not abusing it (I can hold back spoilers though, don't worry there =] ). And the sketches are awesome, great reference point for how the creatures look, amazing job on them Ink!

I expect a speculation topic for the whole book any moment now.  ;)

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Other Writers Like Brandon?
« on: August 31, 2010, 05:35:20 PM »
Though of completely different style, the name Patrick Rothfuss comes to mind. He has written only one book so far, and the story and way of writing aren't comparable with Brandon's. However, there are similarities. It's mostly in the way both authors can give you a deep character and take you along on their journey to discover themselves and the world around them, by giving them something special, but also keeping them, well... normal. And of course, some twists and secrets on the way help a lot.

Another writer I like a lot is Brent Weeks. His worldbuilding is pretty similar to that of Brandon, as are his characters and the way both authors introduce those. However, I must add, that I feel Brent Weeks lacks in story telling. Where Brandon's stories feel complete and satisfying, all three of Brent's books (I haven't read Black Prism yet) feel a little rushed.

I can't really think of any other author's, so I'm looking forward to reading other replies. I'm also curious to see if others agree.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: How did you find out about Brandon Sanderson?
« on: August 31, 2010, 03:23:17 PM »
Having registered to these forums today (hi all!), for the sole purpose of talking about Brandon's books, I think it's fitting to start by posting in this topic. No big story there, however. I wish I would've found out about Brandon Sanderson in another way than most of his readers. Not the case. I started out as a Wheel of Time fan, and easily found my way to Brandon's books through those.

I actually only recently started reading fantasy. I read the Lord of the Rings when I was just a kid, but other than that, there isn't all that much fantasy to come by here in Holland (if my English sucks, there's my excuse!). It wasn't until someone pointed me towards The Wheel of Time, that I rediscovered the genre.

That was about two years ago. I started reading and didn't stop reading. In four months, I had read all eleven books and New Spring. In Dutch, all of them. After that, I started on the Song of Ice and Fire series, but well, let's face it, though it's good, it isn't WoT. On the internet, I found out about Sanderson completing the WoT series, and decided I wanted to give his books a try.

As none of his books are translated to Dutch, the first Mistborn was also the first English book I read. It opened up a whole new world. The last year, I've read about seventy different books of a whole lot of different writers. None ever did to me what Mistborn, Elantris and Warbreaker did, however. And now, I'm just a huge fan of Brandon. What's left for me to do, is try to convert my fellow Dutchies to fans as well. Noone's ever even heard of him!

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Casting for Warbreaker
« on: August 31, 2010, 12:07:02 PM »
I think Allison Scagliotti is a little too... well, boy-ish, to play Siri. I imagine Siri more like the cute girl that's a little mean on the inside. A little like Mackenzie Rosman, maybe.

Allison Scagliotti would be an awesome Vin, though!

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