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Messages - Zmann966

Pages: [1]
Brandon Sanderson / Re: Mistborn the RPG at Gen-Con!
« on: August 02, 2011, 01:39:21 AM »
The Mistborn minis sold out and won't be coming back.

Grave news indeed.
You can bet they'll become infinitely more sought once this RPG releases, I know I'm not the only one kicking themselves for not buying when the pewter was hot.

Alas I'll have to add it to my "keep an eye out for in fans' collections" or see if I can't modify other minis to suit.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Mistborn the RPG at Gen-Con!
« on: August 01, 2011, 12:30:13 AM »
Dang, when I finally get the motivation to buy the Mistborn Pewter minis, they're practically nowhere to be found... :P

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Mistborn the RPG at Gen-Con!
« on: July 31, 2011, 08:31:50 PM »
I need this.

Who's going to Gen-Con? ;D

Brandon Sanderson / Re: First Interlude *Way of Kings SPOILERS*
« on: September 02, 2010, 07:28:14 PM »
I always referred to Ati, Laras, etc as Shardholders.

Dalinar, Adolin, Szeth were Shardbearers.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: *WoK Spoilers* The Almighty?
« on: September 02, 2010, 01:41:18 AM »
I considered it was Hoid adressing Sazed or the other way around, but I can't be sure.

I know Sazed would scowl at violence no matter what the cause, but he may also feel that Rayse/Bavadin/Odium have stepped over the line.
But it's a silly theory, no matter which way it goes.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: First Interlude *Way of Kings SPOILERS*
« on: September 02, 2010, 01:38:40 AM »
Kiin DEFINITELY wanst darkskinned... he was Teoish and wouldnt match Blunt's description anyway.
I have no idea who it would be though....

Brandon Sanderson / Re: First Interlude *Way of Kings SPOILERS*
« on: September 02, 2010, 12:58:34 AM »
I don't know if he did, I haven't read Elantris since last year.
And I don't know if Galladon and Dashe (Saolin died in Elantris right? Cuz I know he was the original soldier in Raoden's crew) were dark skinned. I THINK Dula's were dark-skinned people but I can't be sure.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: *WoK Spoilers* The Almighty?
« on: September 02, 2010, 12:47:45 AM »
I had the same thought of "Odium sounds more like a name", then I looked it up to see if it's a word.  It is.

Hate, disgust.  No wonder this guy is so messed up and trying to end the world. :P

Interesting... I was planning on asking Brandon about such things, but I may need to revise my table now that I know Odium is an emotion rather than a name.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: First Interlude *Way of Kings SPOILERS*
« on: September 02, 2010, 12:32:41 AM »
Wow, at first I passed this off as rampant theorizing but going back to read the chapter....

"No, no stories, friend," Grump said. "We want only the truth."
"We'll I've given it to you."
"You swear it by Nu Ralik, that god of yours?"
"Hush!" Ishikk said. "Don't say his name. Are you idiots?"
Grump frowned. "But he is your god. Understand? Is his name holy? Not to be spoken?"

Now, let me write that passage again, with the common words translated to Dula.

"No, no stories, sule," Grump said. "We want only the truth."
"We'll I've given it to you."
"You swear it by Nu Ralik, that god of yours?"
"Hush!" Ishikk said. "Don't say his name. Are you idiots?"
Grump frowned. "But he is your god. Kolo? Is his name holy? Not to be spoken?"

When taken in translation, that DOES sound a lot like Galladon doesn't it?

Not to mention that their names are given ad Vao and Temoo... Not to creative if it's Raoden considering his last disguise name was "Kaloo"
Interesting theory to say the least...

Brandon Sanderson / Re: *WoK Spoilers* The Almighty?
« on: September 01, 2010, 10:03:06 PM »
See I'm not so sure about Rayse = Odium

Simply because both Rayse and Odium seem like mortal names.
I have wanted to ask Brandon (and will hopefully do soon) if all the Shards have similar power names.
Think about the ones we know:
Preservation, Ruin, Endowment, Cultivation... I think they may all follow a similar pattern.

I've made an incomplete table for this exact thing, trying to organize it all.

What do you think?

Brandon Sanderson / Re: *WoK Spoilers* The Almighty?
« on: September 01, 2010, 04:59:39 PM »
I should really go through and collect the epigraphs together sometime, because I suspect it's much easier to understand them without the chapters between them. :)

10 steps ahead of you, I compiled them for discussion the minute I finished the ARC.
I'll probably be posting them over at sometime today, when most people have gotten that far (one thing you can say about Sanderson fans, is that we read fast.)

Brandon Sanderson / Re: *WoK Spoilers* The Almighty?
« on: September 01, 2010, 08:12:24 AM »
Are the part two epigraphs written by Hoid? I know everyone has a tendency to think that Hoid is behind every wall or mysterious incident, but it kind of makes sense. The epigraphs are kind of sarcastic, and that fits in with his personality. Also, Hoid is being searched for in the interlude about Clear Lake. Could those be the friends from the 17th Shard?

See, that's what I suspect myself.
The way he speaks so casually about the other shards (and their mortal personalities and names) make me believe it's someone involved. The voice of them makes me think Hoid as well and yeah, the bit about being pursued by some "17th Shards" points to it as well.

I'm just glad that Hoid plays a bigger role and have some viewpoints of his own... Shows some interesting insight into his character and his motives.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: WoK: Shalan - near end of book **SPOILERS**
« on: September 01, 2010, 07:53:51 AM »
I find it interesting that she views her Shardblade very akin to how Szeth views his. A burden, a punishment.
It makes me think that they both came into their Shardblades in similar ways.
It's implied that Szeth's is a punishment from his country or religion, maybe as a result or in conjunction with his Windrunner abilities. I wonder if Shallan's was forced upon her in a similar way, as the impression I got from the book was that she killed her father with the Shardblade.
WHY is my biggest question.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: *WoK Spoilers* The Almighty?
« on: September 01, 2010, 07:49:18 AM »
I believe that you're correct.
The Almighty was definitely a shard, especially if he was killed by Odium, a confirmed shard. Why else would The Almighty hold such power (that of a god) and if Odium thought of him as a big enough threat or opposing him too much, it's safe to say that he was a shard.

My question is his relationship with the Heralds and the Radiants. As well as the truth behind the mythology of being cast out of the Tranquiline Halls.

(The rest of the cosmere info in the Part 2 epigraphs is also vastly intruiging.)

Brandon Sanderson / Re: WoK ARCs
« on: August 20, 2010, 02:06:28 AM »
Ahh, Just finished my ARC...

Where's that forum? *goes off to find it*

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