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Messages - Skywalkered

Pages: [1]
Brandon Sanderson / Re: Mistborn Movie-Casting?
« on: July 06, 2010, 10:22:29 AM »
For Vin I personally like Mia Wasikowska. Resemblance to the characters as described in the books is not really important (acting skill is much more important) but I think she's got the basics. Skinny, boyish, young. Plus I think she can act rather well.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: If Mistborn was a movie. . . .
« on: November 15, 2009, 12:45:13 PM »
What about for director...:  Guillermo del Toro!
he'd do wonders for the inquisitors and Koloss and Kandra.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: If Mistborn was a movie. . . .
« on: November 08, 2009, 10:35:18 AM »
For Vin... Emily Browning anyone?
Her face might be a little too feminine for the role but she's small and could pull off Valette pretty good.
(Emily browning: Series of unfortunate events)
I LOVE the Nathan Fillion suggestion. he knows how to play a role like Kell's from playing Mal on Firefly.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: What should I read next?
« on: November 08, 2009, 10:26:21 AM »
I know a lot of Fantasy lovers dislike him, but I suggest Terry Brooks and the Shannara Series. Did LotR influence his first book heavily, yes, but it's still a pretty good piece of work and he completely evolved the series from there into something entirely his own. "The Word and The Void" was a very dark and interesting read.
If you're looking for something way shorter I suggest C.S. Lewis. He's a great story teller and I enjoyed his books a lot. Or if you like "Alcatraz" you'll probably like Patricia C. Wrede and her "Enchanted forest Chronicles." They're hilarious!

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Favourite book
« on: October 25, 2009, 11:30:56 AM »
Yeah all I meant by saying that BioChroma was more complex was that it was more complex to me. I understand the whole "What comes up must come down" (steel and iron, obviously. Although that saying doesn't quite apply, but you know what I mean) really well because, well, it's kinda apart of life. Plus, think about it a little. Tin increases your senses, pewter increases your body's abilites, brass and Zinc roit and soothe your emotions, Copper and broze reveal and hide sources of other allomancy. Just doesn't seem hard to grasp to me. Biology kicks my butt however which is probably a reason why I think BioChroma is complex. I completely disregarded Aeon Dor by mistake though, and now remember how flipping hard it was for me to grasp. I'll give you that one lol, but in all seriousness, Allomancy WAS easy to understand. BioChroma takes a bit more, esspecially when considering the sheer possibilites of it (plus it's complications with actual use and mastery of commands) which was showcased somewhat at the end of the book by Susebron getting a tongue.
I didn't mean to start an off topic discussion lol. Just stating my opinion and all.  ;)

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Favourite book
« on: September 23, 2009, 11:28:41 PM »
I liked Warbreaker the best. I love the Mistborn Trilogy but for some reason Warbreak struck home with me. There was a good mix of humor, romance, character development, action, mystery, and Brandons ever present twists. He had an amazing cast of characters too. Vivenna was very vivid to me, and Lightsong was the most humorous character i have ever read. Vasher of course takes the cake. he reminds me a little of Dustfinger in Inkheart. i loved the magic system as well. Allomancy was a great concept but it was, in a way, simple to grasp. Brandon started off little. In Warbreaker he made it more complicated, more complex. I can't wait to see his next magic system, most likely bigger and better (and more complex) then the last.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Best Plot Twist in Mistborn *Spoilers*
« on: September 17, 2009, 06:20:32 PM »
I think that Sazed being the Hero of Ages was the best plot twist. It's what made that entire series, in my oppinion. I know a lot of people who didn't want to finish the book after Vin and Elend died, but the ending made it all worth it and more. I have to say, one of the reasons I think it was the best was because it was the ending so it had a bigger impact. Another reason why, is because you had to focus really hard to guess that one. I think that's what makes a great plot twist, is one with just the right amount of foreshodowing to the point where if you focus on the story enough while you're reading, you can guess the twist. Some twists pop out of no where, some twist are too easily seen, but Sazed being the Hero was perfect.

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