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Messages - Adarian

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Brandon Sanderson / Re: Warbreaker: Free Ebook
« on: June 20, 2009, 09:07:40 PM »
1. If Vasher took the extreme caution of advising priests to cut out God Kings' tongues to prevent them from using their Breaths, I found it a bit out of character for him to meet Susebron once, see that his tongue was healed and thus he controlled his own power, and give him even more power in the form of the D'Delir. I mean, I know why he did it. The part I don't get is why Vasher would just walk away from Hallandren afterwards, leaving Susebron to his immense power. I mean, yeah, Susebron's a good guy. But he's extremely innocent and thus extremely malleable. Who's to say he won't become corrupted by his power or swayed by someone corrupt?

Did Vasher suggest that particular measure, of did he just vaguely suggest that the power shouldn't be used, and the priests ran with it from there?

Unless I have overlooked some finer points--entirely possible since I was reading most of this half-asleep due to my inabiltiy to put it down--I think that this particular statement is being taken too literally.  I posit that what Vasher meant when he said "I am the one responsible for you having your tongue cut out," was not that he suggested or ordered it to be done; but rather, that because of the events in the past for which he was responsible, the priests saw it necessary to cut out the God-King's tongue to curb the danger of a too-powerful Awakener.

p.s.  I agree with all of you who have said that Clod might be Arsteel.  When Vasher is teaching Vivenna about BioChromatic entities, she mentions that Denth has a Lifeless.  Vasher becomes very quiet and says "Yes, I know."  Vivenna notices  "a strange look in his eyes".  You know then that Vasher knew the person who became Clod.  Who else but Arsteel?

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