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Topics - Amphictyon

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Brandon Sanderson / Just finished the Way of Kings *SPOILERS*
« on: October 07, 2010, 10:19:33 PM »
As stated, I finished WoK at about 6:30 this morning, and in the end it was just impossible for me to put it down.  This is a series that I am very excited for, though I'm not looking forward to wait 10-20 years to see it completed, though I will gladly.  The only thing I noticed in the book was the grammatical errors, which really never bothered me other than re-reading some lines to make sure I had it right.  Understandable though when a book is bigger than the bible. :)

 I loved the battle scenes especially when Kaladin and the bridgemen were seconds away from being bombarded with arrows from the Parshendi and Dalinar bulled through the lot of archers and saluting the bridgemen.  I must have read that part 6 times and it still had my heart racing and tears in my eyes.  Of course the same reaction occured when Kaladin and the bridgemen returned after Dalinar was left behind on the Tower.  Dalinar cursing Sadeas and than catching sight of the bridgemen returning.  Kaladin catching a hundred arrows on his shield, and finally leaping from the bridge across the chasm and saying the words, turning into a whirlwind.    Brandon Sanderson wrote epically throughout the book.  Finally, I loved, loved the interactions between Syl and Kaladin.  I have so many dog-eared pages that are just about those two talking, Syl coming more and more to life and the friendship between the two.  This book is amazing.  Thankyou Mr. Sanderson, for giving us something so wonderfully imagined and brought to life.

In anycase I just wanted to see what others we're thinking about the book and what questions/theories THEY had about parts or characters or history of the world that they enjoyed.

Now Kaladin and Szeth are both Surgebinders and Windrunners, (or are they one in the same?) but apparently Kaladin has recieved these powers through a bond with Syl.  Are there other ways to Surgebind without bonding with an honorspren, can it be done with any type of spren?  If it is only with spren than why is there no mention of Szeth and a spren being bonded?  When Dalinar is talking with Nohadon, Nohadon mentions a man named Alakavish being a Surgebinder bonding with a spren, and that most likely, this spren wasn't an honorspren. That had me thinking.

So what did you think?  Who was your favorite character? :)

Thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope to hear, or read, your thoughts!

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