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Brandon Sanderson / WOK: Odium (Spoilers)
« on: September 08, 2010, 07:18:43 AM »
Something we see in Mistborn is that the shards (Preservation and Ruin) function according to their name.  Well, duh.  As such, it only makes sense that Odium would work in a similar way.  Thus, looking at the definition of odium we find:

intense hatred or dislike, esp. toward a person or thing regarded as contemptible, despicable, or repugnant.
the reproach, discredit, or opprobrium attaching to something hated or repugnant: He had to bear the odium of neglecting his family.
the state or quality of being hated.

The first definition seems the most relevant to a story.  Thus,in order to find the influence of Odium on the current world of Roshar, we would have to find instances of hate or dislike.  And, in fact, the world of Roshar is riddled with it already.  As such, there is probably some merit in discussing the various hates/dislikes we have seen.

Here are some of the bigger ones I have noticed:

1) Darkeyes hate the Lighteyes, and vice versa.
2) Szeth begins to hate those he kills (does his shard have anything to do with this?)
3) Alethi get the "Thrill" which makes them revel in death and killing.  They seem to truly hate those they slaughter...
4) Many people dislike/hate the Parshmen  (not just the Parshendi)
5) The people hate the Radiants
6) The highprinces hate each other, and especially hate those who show signs of weakness

And who isn't hated?
Well... mostly Shardbearers, it seems.  Odd, that.

I'm not sure if there's really anything to these just yet, and half the list seems like a pretty weak correlation, but I have a feeling that Odium has his hands in many pies already.  I think the biggest one worth looking at is the Thrill, as we already have conflict between Dalinar and the Thrill. Also, the hate between lighteyes and darkeyes seems important, and certainly seems as if it is something that has been brought about recently (in Dalinar's visions it seems they are of equal rank).

Really, I'm just looking for a way to find out just what influence Odium has.  If "Odium reigns" then we should be able to find something, no?

Is it as simple as the strife between the Alethi and Parshendi, Taravangian and his "pals," and the Ghostblood (or whatever they're called)?

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