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Topics - DeathBite

Pages: [1]
Brandon Sanderson / The Hero Of Ages.. *Spoilers*
« on: June 23, 2010, 10:41:35 PM »
What did you think of it? Don't know someones already posted this...

If they haven't - can't see why not! Because I'm going a little crazy my self.
The first two books made me laugh out loud, gasp in horror and cringe with embarrassment. When I ordered the last book I was impatient for it to arrive, and now though I'm only half way through the book, the overwhelming urge to write about it and hear what others think of it overtakes me.

I did not like the beginning as I was worried Elend was going to become the central character and Vin set aside; despite her being the centre of the story. However, now I'm loving it - Vin's still pretty much the main protagonist and Elends .
Also love how Sanderson is protraying Spook as a superhero; I've got this amazing image in my head of him crouching on a rooftop, watching the crowd below as The Citizen enters the scene - dressed in flamboiant bright colours. His face is partially masked and he has super powers that pretty much no one else has. He's also about to save -I hope- someone from a burning building. How awesome is the mix of superheroes with fantasy? It's not even a main part of the storyline! (I don't think..)
Though one part I'm not enjoying is the indecisivness of the characters. They'll start thinking one thing then think 'However..' There's too much contemplation of humanity for my liking. They're all too concerned with the morals behind their actions, it's like the book's one big philisophical debate.  And sorry to sound melodramatic, but they aren't doing very well so far at finding out how to prevent the end of the world.

 I'm eager to see how Sanderson  managed to tie up the loose ends - it better not end with 'A single flower sprouting from the ashes...'

Brandon Sanderson / New fan
« on: June 23, 2010, 10:09:48 PM »

Suggestions Box / A question :)
« on: June 16, 2010, 11:44:50 PM »
I'm just wondering if someone could give me a run down on how forums actually work? This is the first one I've actually joined and I'm feeling rather helpless.
So many buttons, so many topics, so many sub-topics.. A quick run-down would help a lot  ;D

Thank you!

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