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Messages - neverearth

Pages: [1]
Brandon Sanderson / Re: Tien and Stone Shamans *WoK spoilers*
« on: December 17, 2010, 11:39:53 PM »
That's why it's a crack theory. :D

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Tien and Stone Shamans *WoK spoilers*
« on: December 17, 2010, 08:49:20 PM »
My crack theory is that Talenel will have a startling resemblance to Tien. Don't know why, but it's been in my head for a while that when/if Kaladin and Talenel meet, Kaladin's gonna think he's Tien.

I was randomly flipping through pages when this one stood out to me.

21.“Above the final void I hang, friends behind, friends before. The feast I must drink clings to their faces, and the words I must speak spark in my mind. The old oaths will be spoken anew.”—Dated Betabanan, 1173, 45 seconds pre-death. Subject: a lighteyed child of five years. Diction improved remarkably when giving sample.
This one seems to be about Kaladin; he jumps the chasm of the Tower with Bridge 4 behind him, Dalinar's army in front.He takes the stormlight from the Parshendis' beards, and then he says the Second Ideal.

I've mentioned that 5 or so times already.  It's pretty obvious.
Oh. Sorry. :-[
Sometimes it takes a while for me to catch up on things.

I was randomly flipping through pages when this one stood out to me.

21.“Above the final void I hang, friends behind, friends before. The feast I must drink clings to their faces, and the words I must speak spark in my mind. The old oaths will be spoken anew.”—Dated Betabanan, 1173, 45 seconds pre-death. Subject: a lighteyed child of five years. Diction improved remarkably when giving sample.
This one seems to be about Kaladin; he jumps the chasm of the Tower with Bridge 4 behind him, Dalinar's army in front.He takes the stormlight from the Parshendis' beards, and then he says the Second Ideal.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Favourite Minor Character
« on: September 20, 2010, 11:14:30 PM »
Renarin is definitely my favorite minor character. Rock is a close second. For the Interludes, I loved Axies. I hope he shows up again.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: WoK Fan Art (Here there be spoilers)
« on: September 20, 2010, 04:55:19 AM »
I made this of Kaladin jumping the chasm in my sketchbook last week.

I need to have a weapon or something sticking out on the Parshendi side, so it doesn't look like Kaladin's jumping in to join a happy gathering.  My stormlight needs work too.

Cheese Ninja, I believe that the year on Roshar is longer than 365 days. The first epigraph in the book is dated "the first day of the week Palah of the month Shash." These dates are later abbreviated, such as "second day of Kakash," which would be the week of Kak in the month of Shash. The names of the dates follow the numbers on the Ars Arcanum in the back of the book. That means there would be ten weeks for each of the ten months. The highest dated day is the 5th day of a week, which means that there are at least 500 days in a year.

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