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Messages - Kykeon

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That is... WOW. O_O

Books / Re: So I'm reading A Feast for Crows...
« on: October 18, 2010, 09:15:22 AM »
The Lannisters and the Freys seem to be the most dysfunctional houses in Westeros.
The others b!tch and quarrel, but at least there is a semblance of cohesion.
Also, the lack of magic is refreshing
There is magic, but it'S a thing for scholars.
What is weird is that the Maesters never managed to get any arcane knowledge from  the Asshai.   :o

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Thunderclasts *WoK Spoilers*
« on: October 18, 2010, 06:50:33 AM »
I wonder if there is a connection between Thunderclasts and the Awakened cretures of Warbreaker? What if breath and stormlight is the same energy source altered in distinct ways by the shards located on the planets. It would solve the problem of awakening stone requiring a huge number of breaths, since Stormlight is a more available resource, especially when you consider the implications of gemhearts

Stormlight: Energy.
Gemheart: energy store.
Spren  trapped inside the stone(chasmfiend spren maybe):
Simple mind/instruction receiver.
Sounds alright. ;)

The broken one?
Wait, maybe Odium is not evil but simply *mad* or incomplete?!
Highstorms transmit the Almighty's journal entries to all who are sensitive enough to receive them, which makes me doubt they are (entirely?) caused by Odium.

Video Games / Re: Mistborn RPG video game
« on: October 17, 2010, 11:55:55 AM »
Co-op of mistings/mistborn against computer generated enemies on a seperate map for each team?
Yes, maybe.
MMORPG a lá WoW?
Assasins Creed with Allomantic powers?

If the Oathstone works like compulsion...

It doesn't, see reply #33 in this thread from me.  There is ample evidence in the book that they are not compulsion.
You say true, I say thank you.
However, some folks (namely Erunion) tried to argue 'around' that fact. ;D

I don't want to start splitting hairs, but the type of compulsion you speak of is a weave developed from the intuitive weaves of wilder novices and exclusively used by Verin Mathwin.
Most other forms simply instill an irresistable urge to obey in the victim.
That being said; it's not a bad idea, but I'd be a little bit dissapointed.

I don't want to start splitting hairs, but the type of compulsion you speak of is a weave developed from the intuitive weaves of wilder novices and exclusively used by Verin Mathwin.
Most other forms simply instill an irresistable urge to obey in the victim.
That being said; it's not a bad idea, but I'd be a little bit dissapointed.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: knights radient
« on: October 15, 2010, 06:19:13 PM »
It is definetly not like the Oathrod. ;)

Brandon Sanderson / Re: knights radient
« on: October 15, 2010, 09:16:57 AM »
HAHA wow... I ask a question and it is taken into a debate about szeth
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Rule No. 1 of forums: Relation to the original topic decreases with every single post.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Mist Spirit *Mistborn Spoilers*
« on: October 14, 2010, 06:09:43 PM »
The excerpt I am referring to occurs prior to the ascension.
This is why the spirit that was seen by the chosen one was more dense and therefore darker than the one seen by Vin.
Unnamed hero goes on his quest-->Hero sees the spirit of presevation-->Rashek becomes the lord ruler-->1000 years pass during which Preservation loses more and more power-->Vin sees a diminished, and therefore much lighter mist-spirit.

Movies and TV / Re: The Last Airbender
« on: October 14, 2010, 10:34:42 AM »
I already told that to my friends a year  or more ago.  >:|
I mean... when was the last time an adaption of a cartoon or comic was worth the time spent looking at the movie poster?

Books / Re: Looking for "political" epic Fantasy
« on: October 14, 2010, 10:29:55 AM »
That's great!
Looking forward to it!  ;D

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Mist Spirit *Mistborn Spoilers*
« on: October 14, 2010, 10:27:50 AM »
Preservation probably lost a lot of substance during the thousand years after the ascension.

Oh, my goodness!  I nearly threw my book in anger when Sadeas abandoned Dalinar.  My husband was in the next room and thought I was going nuts.  I just kept yelling, "Oh, I hate that Sadeas!  He's so stupid! I'm going to kill him!!"  haha.
And now that stupid jerk has a Shardblade.  Great.
I really would like to have your Husband and (yourself of course) over for tea one day, ROFL.  ;D
As for Sadeas being killed...
Call me twisted, but I would enjoy reading more of him, especially now that he has betrayed Dalinar.
If he is now forced to work together with him, mabe even to the extend where this cooperation plays a major part in the saving of the world... *Kykeon favours the room with one of his more sardonic smiles*

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