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Messages - sahilh

Pages: [1]
Site News / Re: Introduce yourself - right on!
« on: October 07, 2010, 04:42:34 AM »
Hi, my name is Sahil. I'm turning 26 in a few days, and currently studying for the third of four sections for my CPA exam. Well, not studying right now. You see, there was this enormous, thousand page book that just came out, and I felt the need to post about it. Pretty sure that I found this board because the author posts here or something like that.

I've been a pretty big fan of the fantasy and science fiction since middle school. David Eddings's Elenium was the first series that I got wrapped up in, and it's been a tale of heavy addiction since. Sometime in the middle of high school I was introduced to the Wheel of Time by some of my friends, and that in turn led to my first online board. College expanded the scope of my reading a bit, but fantasy still held the fondest place in my heart. When Knife of Dreams came out, I didn't go to class for a full week.

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