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Messages - JustTee

Pages: [1]
Brandon Sanderson / Re: WoK: Kaladin and Syl *Spoilers*
« on: June 13, 2011, 05:49:58 PM »
Expounding on the theory of Radiants powering their suits differently:

Would the Radiants be inhibited in the amount of stormlight they infuse themselves with like Szeth and Kaladin?
You'll recall that in the book the more they inhaled, they increasingly felt as though the storm would rip them apart.
Granted, the Radiants would be enhanced by the plate, but not infinitely. If they were using lashings they would be massively bound by time. It would be a balancing act of keeping the plate and self infused. The more spent on lashings, the less the plate has.


Personally, I think they use the crystals in the armor/plate as batteries. Instead of directly absorbing the stormlight themselves, they absorb it and then store it in the armor - providing the armor with its glow.

Then they use the stored stormlight to fuel their lashings (or other powers). It's a process that must have been lost - directly using stormlight without having to absorb it first.

Or perhaps there's some sort of hybrid effect when the suit and the user can both use stormlight. We'll see, but I think my battery idea might be fairly close.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: The value of spheres in WoK (no spoilers)
« on: October 04, 2010, 05:57:25 PM »
I forget where it say this, but somewhere it states that the value for the gems is based on Soulcasting properties. The part that gets me is one character (I think Shallan) thinks about how diamonds are one of lowest value gems due to their lack of use in Soulcasting. That just kind of stuck with me because it's the opposite of real life.

Just throwing this out there:

In a world where there are near-constant violent storms, don't you think the value of a shatter-pron substance would drop?

To me, it seemed like glass was more a luxury item, therefore, the demand for it would be fairly low. Whereas creating food is probably the most highly sought after form of soulcasting.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Shattered Plain War Questions (Possible Spoilers)
« on: September 30, 2010, 09:15:12 PM »

I would stress that a lot of your concerns from the Alethi point of view Dalinar is also annoyed with. Since the focus of their war has turned to primarily a game of speed-capture, seige weaponry would probably take too long to arrive at the battle field.

As far as assault from underneath - same logic. During the clean-the-chasm duty, they mention how easy it is to get lost in the chasms, and that getting to a specific chasm is very difficult and time consuming. By the time they reached the plateau, even if it were an easy climb, the gemheart would have already been taken.

As far as using fire on the mobile bridgemen...I think this goes towards something about the Parshendi that we haven't learned yet. Their is an odd sense of honor there, and there's definitely something...odd...about their behavior towards the bridgemen, even before Kaladin starts wearing their dead. Sadeas mentions how it was less effective to give the bridgemen shields, and that he wants to be able to focus the Parshendi arrow fire onto the bridgemen so that his calvary and foot soldiers aren't demolished.

A possible explanation -- the Parshendi are definitely a lot more similar to the Alethi than they realize. Look at their ability to utilize strategic withdrawl, their holding back of their shardbearers, and a few other moments in battle that seem to suggest they are more than simple barbarians. So to me, they understand that what the war has become is a skirmish over resources. Perhaps they feel that using fire on the bridgeman is either dishonorable, or that it would force the Alethi to really focus on destroying the Parshendi, instead of simply fighting for gemhearts.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: WoK: Spren and Hoid (spoilers)
« on: September 10, 2010, 03:27:52 PM »
as for the Spren,  if you look at the back of the book there's a table describing the 10 virtues, they're associated spren, and the kind of power that comes with it.  There's probably a very good reason Vorinism pushes people to choose a virtue and excel at it since it was more likely to attract a spren and therefore towards becoming a Radiant.

I'm going to guess that when the Radiants betrayed everyone, the Spren stopped bonding with people (or the Spren gave up on the Radiants causing them to lash out and betray everyone?).  Either way, net result, no more radiants.  Spren seem to become more aware the longer they become attached to a person (as seen by Syl) and then go back to being mindless after that.

This actually seems to be the best thing anyone's said yet.

In regards to planet hopping -- How come nobody is freaking out (like I did) when I read Shallan went to Cosmere?

Don't you think that'll be how people start planet hopping? I think it definitely has to relate in some way.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Elantris - *Some spoilers*
« on: August 16, 2010, 02:23:46 PM »
Not knowing what the duladel (forgive me if this is spelled wrong, I'm at work...haha) is saying is kind of on purpose, I believe. You figure it out by the end of the book, but the point is that it's a foreign language to everyone but the one guy speaking it, so explaining it would feel a bit forced, I think.

I like when books don't hit you over the head with explanations. That being said, I prefer Brandon's methods of introducing new things as opposed to say, Steven Erikson. I love the Malazan books, but each time you start a new one, you spend the first 30% (or more) of the book generally puzzled and confused.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Magic of the Stormlight Archives
« on: July 19, 2010, 03:18:46 PM »
My take is that the Shards output a constant, passive flow of magical energy that influences everything in its vicinity, specifically its world.  This ambient energy changes humans, in the case of Allomancy, and certain aspects of the world, in the case of Hemalurgy.  When multiple shards show up in the same world, their different energies produce additional effects, like Feruchemy.

My take on this is similar, but a bit shifted.

From what I understand, the genetics of the people on given planets determine their reaction (if any) to the influence of a shard's presence.

Brandon said at some point, talking about Mistborn and Elantris, that if you took people from one planet and transported them to the other, that they wouldn't neccessarily lose or gain any magic - it all had to due with the specifics of their genetics.

So to me, that means that the shards just put out a passive  "magic" passive field. If you have the correct genetic structure, you can then take advantage of that field to perform extraordinary feats. Genetics play a big part in the magic systems. How much of a part I haven't really figured out, but there's definitely something.

As for the shard influencing people - I think that's where the aspect of the shard matters. Less so than the specifics of the magical system involved, and more just that a shard like Ruin influences just general destruction. Endowement is about helping and bestowing blessings on people, essentially. It's like the aspect of the shard influences the personalities of the people that use its power, and the person bonded to the shard itself even more so.

Maybe Hoid's shard is Wanderlust? :P

My 2 cents.

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