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Messages - israfel070

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Mr. Sanderson, if you're truly interested in seeing Mistborn made into a movie, I'd suggest tracking down people who were involved with the production of The Chronicles of Riddick, which has a number of striking similarities to Mistborn. The main protagonists are an outlaw who is mentoring a young woman who has to overcome feelings of betrayal. There is prophecy concerning a warrior who will defeat an evil empire. There are some similar settings, including one scene in which a planet experiences ashfall. The villain is a god-emperor who has a power nearly identical to atium. There are a few aristocrats who come to doubt his religion and lend their aid to his downfall. There are a few interesting landscape shots of mists that caught my eye when I recently rewatched the film after finishing your trilogy.

I think you could at least sell your film rights to this wonderful story if you set an agent to the task. If you made a great pitch to David Twohy, the writer-director of the Riddick movies, who knows what might happen? Check out the movie and see what you think!

Also, I'd love to play a Mistborn video game too! I think it lends itself well to that medium.

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