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Messages - CptSqweky

Pages: [1]
Brandon Sanderson / Re: On Feruchemical 'Mistings'
« on: February 23, 2009, 05:37:33 PM »
That's too bad. It is seriously the best webcomic ever. Better than Schlock Mercenary, better that OOTS, better than Penny Arcade.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: On Feruchemical 'Mistings'
« on: February 23, 2009, 05:26:01 PM »
Zincmind: Spark (do to the sudden increase of brain activity)

Good name... but it's taken by the Foglios with their "Girl Genius" webcomic.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: On Feruchemical 'Mistings'
« on: February 23, 2009, 05:20:46 PM »

Zincmind: Genius. Or alternatively: Voluntary Seizure Victim -- Again, confusion over a common term.  Seizure? Maybe an Autistic... Maybe Autist?

Ummm... Just so you know, VSV was a joke. But it makes sense because a seizure happens when neural activity shoots up really high. There's a joke, I forget who said it, that goes: "I once used 90% of my brain. It was called a seizure." My wife has seizures, so I know a little bit about these things.
I don't know much about autism, though. Is excessive neural activity a common symptom? Like I said, I don't know much about it, but what little I do know would suggest that it's not, since its more of a genetic thing.

I'm going to edit the first post with the best ideas(Properly credited to their creators) so that people know what's already been discussed.

Also, you do know that "BEST" is an extremely subjective term, right? You can change it to what you think is best, but it seems as though everyone has had a different idea as to what is "best". I would suggest you say you've changed it to your favorites, otherwise... well... you just look stupid to all the people who disagree with you.
Also... DO NOT credit that "antic" thin to me. To be honest, I hate it, I think it's dumb, and I didn't come up with it, you did.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: On Feruchemical 'Mistings'
« on: February 23, 2009, 02:36:44 AM »
My ideas:

Bronzemind: Insomniac

I like this one.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: On Feruchemical 'Mistings'
« on: February 22, 2009, 06:53:54 AM »
Actually, I was just thinking that out of all of those, I like Anchor the most. Sure, you get light at first, but once you take the weight back out you get heavy. I think Anchor is great. I also liked Brute. Heater... ehhh... the jury's still out on that one, since they'd only be warming themselves up. And yes, Keeper should definately be the name for Coppermind users.

The rest... yeah...
My own suggestions, not very good either, but maybe they'll get someone else thinking of something better:

Steelmind:  Sprinter
Tinmind: Watcher. Or alternatively: Guard. Or maybe: Sentinel.
Zincmind: Genius. Or alternatively: Voluntary Seizure Victim
Bronzemind: Caffeine addict
Goldmind: Immortal

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Mistborn in Spanish??
« on: February 07, 2009, 06:32:35 AM »
Ehhhh... depends on the area. In most of Spain, not really, but there are some places in Andalucia and Extremadura where they talk REALLY fast. And it's not like it's a completely different language. It's just like... well... It's a different dialect. (keep in mind I'm a linguist and I have a different idea of what a "dialect" means than most people. Think "variety of the language," rather than "inferior sub-language.) Basically, the best way i can describe it is this: It's the difference between American English and British English, if British English still used "thee" and "thou" but was otherwise the same as it is today. It's not that different, but the pronouns will through you off and there'll be some unfamiliar vocabulary.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Mistborn in Spanish??
« on: February 05, 2009, 06:37:19 PM »
You could try and contact Brandon directly, see if he has any extra copies. That's where I got my Spanish copy of Mistborn. However, what country is the student from? The book was translated into Castillian (Spain) Spanish. If the student isn't from Spain or Equitorial Guinea, they might have a hard time understanding it. (It uses the vosotros forms and there's a lot of word choice difference.) I'm pretty sure that there's just the one translation so... if they aren't from Spain, you might want to ask them first if they would read it.
I mean, yeah, they are the same language, but it's like the difference between American and British English, only moreso. Much more so.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Table of Allomantic Metals *Spoilers*
« on: December 17, 2008, 10:55:46 AM »
You're right. The coppercloud is the area made by the smoker where allomancy can't be detected.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Table of Allomantic Metals *Spoilers*
« on: December 17, 2008, 02:42:55 AM »
Okay, since my brief check didn't see this question anywhere else, I'm going to assume it hasn't been asked yet.

Atium and Larasium both say that in alloy form, they produce "various expanded effects." Does this depend on the metal it is alloyed with? The only alloy we've seen, that I can tell is Malatium, and that was Atium, alloyed with gold, correct? And the effect it produced was very similar to gold. So, what effects would it produce if it were alloyed with, say... Bronze? Also, since the effects are mental and temporal, will it only alloy with the mental/temporal metals?

Well I meant are they in the same galaxy? Like are they Earth and Mars, as opposed to an Earth and Gliese 581c?

Ummmmm... Do you mean Solar System? Because Earth and Gliese 581c are in the same galaxy. Earth and Mars, since they orbit the same star, are in the same Solar System.

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